
Ayurvedic Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition of hormonal and metabolic imbalance, has become a common health problem among women of reproductive age that affects the over all health and appearance of female. The syndrome is best described as hyperandrogenic anovulation. Hyperandrogenic refers to elevated amounts of a group of hormones called androgens.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition of hormonal and metabolic imbalance, has become a common health problem among women of reproductive age that affects the over all health and appearance of female. The syndrome is best described as hyperandrogenic anovulation. Hyperandrogenic refers to elevated amounts of a group of hormones called androgens. They are typically thought of as hormones present in males. But all women produce androgens also. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have ovaries that produce mildly increased amounts of androgens. In women, though, even slightly elevated levels of androgens can cause the ovaries to stop producing mature follicles, the small cystic incubators for developing eggs. Each month, follicles try to grow in a normal fashion, but become arrested in their growth if exposed to inappropriate amounts of androgens. Over longer periods of time, the underdeveloped follicles build up in the ovary, leading to a polycystic appearance. The vicious cycle of hyperandrogenism and anovulation (lack of ovulation) tends to worsen over time.
More recently, it has been determined that polycystic ovarian syndrome      may be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic influences. Likewise, many believe that impaired metabolism and insulin production predispose many women to the development of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Women with long-standing polycystic ovarian syndrome are at significant risk for infertility, irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding, pre-cancerous and cancerous changes within the uterus, excessive hair growth, acne, darkening of skin, diabetes and lipid abnormalities. The syndrome can affect adolescents, women of childbearing age and post-menopausal women.
The chronic nature of the syndrome and lifelong treatment with synthetic hormones can make the life of a woman miserable. Therefore, there is a dire need of alternate solutions which can serve the condition without having side effects. In Ayurveda, there is vast mention of herbs which have beneficial role to control and prevent the illness. There are many herbs that can be used to improve the condition, some of which are summarized here-
1. Ashwagandha
Weight gain, stress, depression and period cramps are the common symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Using Ashwagandha can reduce the related symptoms. It helps in managing stress by reducing psychological and physiological markers of stress, serum cortisol level and food cravings. This, in turn, improves eating habits and paves the way for weight loss. It can also manage hair loss problem caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome.
2. Dalchini
Cinnamon or dalchini is a favourite kitchen staple in Indian households and has anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Thus it can lower cholesterol and improve insulin sensitivity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Very beneficial in managing blood sugar levels, enhancing fertility and regulating menstruation in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Apart from this, it can help increase progesterone production while reducing the amount of testosterone in the body.
 3. Haldi
This root has been found to possess anti-androgenic properties. Curcumin, the primary compound in turmeric has an inhibiting effect on androgen receptors. It also has insulin sensitizer, hypolipidemic and anti-obesity properties. 
4. Gudmar
This plant has a number of pharmacological applications due to the presence of triterpenoids which work as anti-oxidants .Further, its regular intake reduces the urge to eat frequently thereby helps in reducing obesity.
5. Vijaysaar
Widely used for maintaining various metabolic functions, it is an excellent herb for managing high sugar levels. Be it the bark powder, leaf juice or wood decoction, the production of insulin from the pancreatic β-cells becomes active on taking Vijaysar, leading to low blood glucose levels and helps in dealing with this condition.
6. Amla
The fruit extract has been shown to possess various medicinal properties that can help in polycystic ovarian syndrome      treatment. Being a good source of iron, calcium, and Vitamin-C, it helps to combat the  symptoms such as weight gain and unwanted hair growth. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are advised to consume amla juice mixed in warm water every morning.
6. Shatavari
Helps in improving follicular growth, development and ovulation. Also, it holds a key role in maintaining the duration of the menstrual cycles and blood flow. Contains bioflavonoids, vitamin B, calcium and zinc, which are essential nutrients for women’s health. In addition, it aids in enhancing fertility.
    Along with the above,  a number of other herbs are there like aloe vera, fenugreek, date palm, licorice, green tea, raspberry, chamomile, fennel, soybean, and hazelnut that play key role in balancing the hormonal levels.
Panchakarma is truly emerging as a beacon of hope. Rectifying metabolism and hormones regulation are its two major benefits. Not only in better management of polycystic ovarian syndrome, it also helps in restoring health and improving quality of life. Following Panchakarma therapies are recommended.
1. Vamana
A cleansing and detoxifying karma which involves systematic and planned removal of toxins by inducing vomiting. Vamana, helps in balancing hormones, boosts fertility and regulates body weight. Crucial for long-term successful management, it has specific indications and contraindications.
2. Virechana
Another detoxifying therapy which involves removal of toxins by inducing purgation. It is extremely effective in obesity, irregular or heavy periods, hormonal imbalance, skin pigmentation and the multitude of other symptoms triggered by polycystic ovaries . 
3. Basti
One of the most effective therapies, it is a  painless remedy which involves a series of medicated enemas performed over the specified number of days. It consists of various ayurvedic medicinal ghees, oils and herbal decoctions which are customized as per specific health needs of every woman. 
4. Udvartana
An external ayurvedic therapy which involves rigorous dry powder massage to the entire body. By boosting circulation of blood and lymph, it helps to detoxify skin. It also helps to regulate fat metabolism.
Foods to consume  
•    Unrefined and natural food items like whole-grain or multigrain bread, brown rice, oats and rye.
•    Leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli and lentils.
•    Dark red fruit like crimson grapes, blueberries and blackberries.
•    Healthy fats like olive oil and nuts such as walnuts and almonds.
•    Flax, chia and sunflower seeds.
Foods to Avoid 
•    Refined carbohydrate sources like cakes, pastries and  bread.
•    Fried and fast food such as pasta.
•    Carbonated beverages like sodas and energy drinks. 
•    Processed meat, because of high amount of saturated fat in them.
•    Potato chips, microwave popcorn, salted pretzels and packaged food.
•    Artificial sweeteners. 
Polycystic ovarian syndrome has become a global concern for the women of reproductive age as it is having major medical and social implications. So it is important to focus on long-term relief and management rather than taking a narrow-minded approach of just ensuring menstrual regularity. Ayurveda offers a complete holistic approach towards the problem and includes number of measures like  herbs and their various formulations and Panchakarma. Further, lifestyle modifications add harmony and recovery of the female reproductive system, as dietary restrictions offer the holistic approach towards the disease. Thus, we can take the step towards treating polycystic ovarian syndrome and living worry free life by adopting  ayurveda.
Assistant Professor,
 Department of Prasutitantra & Stri Roga
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar.
Mob.: 94186-54297