
Endometriosis- A Common Uterine Disease Its Ayurvedic solution

Endometrium is the innermost lining of the uterus which is shed every month during menstruation.

Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrium starts to grow outside the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, ovaries & membrane lining of the pelvic cavity .These endometrial implants cause adhesions with adjoining tissues like fallopian tubes & obstruct their lumen and inflammation there off. It can go upto the ovaries and adjoining tissues of the pelvis which hinders the mechanical process involved during transfer of ovum. Women of all ages are at risk of endometriosis but women between the age of 25-40 are usually affected.

According to the depth and area involved there are four stages of endometriosis:

Stages of Endometriosis

Stage (1) Minimal – Small patches on or around organs in the pelvic cavity.

Stage (2) Mild – More extensive than stage 1 but infiltration of pelvic organs still very limited.

Stage (3) Moderate – Starting of infiltration in pelvic organs.

Stage (4) Severe – Infiltration and distortion of anatomy of pelvic organs and their adhesions. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all but endometriosis is diagnosed when laparoscopic examinations are performed during evaluation for infertility. Endometrial implants are found in the ovaries, the intestines, the fallopian tubes and on the membrane lining of the pelvic cavity.

In endometriosis, all the three doshas are involved but the vata is the main dosha which  when vitiated displaces normal position of endometrial cells from inside to abnormal position outside the uterus and reaches through fallopian tubes upto ovaries and pelvis .Vitiated pitta is responsible for inflammation in the endometrial cells and kapha causes overgrowth of the endometrial cells.

Modern treatment usually includes oral contraceptive pills, gonadotrophic releasing hormone & surgical treatment includes removal of endometrial implants and hysterectomy.

Ayurvedic Management of Endometriosis

Ayurvedic treatment is the safest way to get relief from symptoms of endometriosis like heavy bleeding, pain during periods and pelvic pain.

Ayurvedic treatment includes Panchkarma and herbal treatment. Panchkarma procedures like Virechana, Basti  and Uttar Basti  normalise pitta and vata respectively  and help to reduce weight, correct body metabolism and balance tridosha.

Diet in Endometriosis

•Eat high fibre diet, organic food, plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

•Eat more sources of Omega 3 fats such as flax seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or fish oil.

•Limit saturated fat by eating mostly plant based food and low fat dairy products.

Herbal Treatment of Endometriosis


Shilajit is one of the most important ayurvedic medicines used in gynaecological problems. It contains fulvicacid which is anti inflammatory and protects against free radicals & cellular damage, regulates body metabolism and pacifies pitta.


Ashoka is the most important herb for feminine health and hormone balance. It has remarkable ability to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with menstruation. It contains ketosterol which is estrogenic compound and balances oestrogen level in blood. It stops bleeding & supports the restoration of the endometrium.


Yashtimadhu is highly effective in reducing uterine bleeding and inflammation. It also reduces the pain associated with endometriosis. It is rich in glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is anti inflammatory and antioxidant.

Thus ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis has promising results as it is based on the concept of balancing the three doshas and restoring their natural functions.


“Endometriosis is a progressive, chronic condition where cells similar to those that line the uterus are found in other parts of the body. It affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age.”

Predisposing Factors

1.         Disturbed lifestyle

2.         Mental stress

3.         Diet rich in refined carbohydrates

4.         Fast food.

5.         Cold drinks.

6.         Fatty meal.

7.         Lack of exercise.

8.         Overambiciousness.


•Pain in lower abdomen which starts prior to the periods, aggravates during periods and worsens after periods.

•Pain during defecation or urination depending upon area involved by endometrial implants.

•Pain during intercourse.