
Bhagavad Gita Says ..

•    You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. •    The wise work for the welfare of the world without thought for themselves.

•    You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work.
•    The wise work for the welfare of the world without thought for themselves.
•    Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction.
•    Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires.
•    Calmness of mind, gentleness, moderate speech, self-control and purity of heart are called Tapah (austerity) of mind.
•    Speaking true, pleasant, beneficial and inoffensive words and regular recitation of scriptures  is said to be Tapah (austerity) of speech.



BAMS-4th yr.
Dayanand Ayurvedic College,