
September 2022

September 2022

September 2022

September 2022

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7 Health Benefits of  Gular

7 Health Benefits of Gular

A wild large tree reaching up to 30 meters in height, native to tropical Asia and Australia, is known as Gular in Sanskrit. It is counted in sacred trees intertwined with many stories in the Hindu mythology. It is given prominance as a means of acquiring prosperity and destroying foes. It symbolizes good luck and is also known as blue lotus in Buddhism

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of Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome

Ayurvedic Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition of hormonal and metabolic imbalance, has become a common health problem among women of reproductive age that affects the over all health and appearance of female. The syndrome is best described as hyperandrogenic anovulation. Hyperandrogenic refers to elevated amounts of a group of hormones called androgens.

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Manage Asthma in Children with Ayurveda

Manage Asthma in Children with Ayurveda

Bronchial asthma is a medical condition which causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow. Because of which excess mucus is produced making it hard to breathe, resulting in cough, short breath, and whistling sounds. It is a chronic disease in children, leading to school absenteeism, hospitalization, economic and psychological stress in the family.

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Holistic Approach for Healthy Heart

Holistic Approach for Healthy Heart

A strong heart ensures that our body functions correctly and we stay robust and well. Like a good engine makes a car run smooth, a healthy heart keeps our body function properly. With age, heart also grows old and meets a number of challenges, thus needs special care. But, due to our changed habits and sedentary lifestyle, a lot of people are suffering from poor heart health at a very young age.

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Improve Sleep with Natural Ways

Improve Sleep with Natural Ways

Ayurveda states that sleep is one of the three prime pillars ‘treya upstambha’ which sustain life. It is as important as food and water and also an insuppressible urge i.e. adharniya vega which means that if it is suppressed, it may cause headache, body pain and heaviness of eyes. Getting good sleep at night supports well-being and good quality of life, helps to get proper learning capacity and immunity.

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How Ayurveda can help in your Diabetes

How Ayurveda can help in your Diabetes

Long time ignorance, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, lack of sleep and chronic stress affects our health and finally leaves the body with hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and heart disorders. Among all of these, diabetes has become a big concern for the country and we are soon going to be the diabetes capital of the world.

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Ayurvedic Management of  Urticaria

Ayurvedic Management of Urticaria

Urticaria, commonly known as hives, are red raised itchy welts on the skin. The term urticaria is  derived from Latin word urtica which means nettle. Nettle is a perennial plant with botanical name Urtica dioica. It bears stinging hair. When touched, the hair release several chemicals causing irritation. The itch in urticaria can be mild  or tense, of long or  short duration.

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Ayurvedic Solutions to Facial Hair Growth

Ayurvedic Solutions to Facial Hair Growth

The presence of facial and body hair is normal for women. However, the amount and type of facial hair varies. Most of the time, they are very fine and light in colour, present above lips, on chin, chest, abdomen and back.

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There is a series of natural changes in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible, we call it menstrual cycle. It starts at the age of 16 and lasts till the age of 45 years. These cycles are concurrent and coordinated with duration of 3 to 7 days. Normally, they occur between 21 and 35 days in adult women with a median gap of 28 days.

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Ayurvedic Solutions to Dandruff

Ayurvedic Solutions to Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population in any geographical region at any age,  gender and ethnicity. No population would have passed through freely without dandruff at some stage in their life. It affects aesthetic value of a person. It has been well established that keratinocytes play a key role in expression and generation of immunological reactions during dandruff formation.

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Cure Piles with Ayurveda

Cure Piles with Ayurveda

Piles have been a common ailment of human civilization for centuries. Medically it is termed as haemorrhoids means blood flow which is the most common feature of the disease. People commonly call it bavaseer. Because of rapid urbanization globally, this disease has emerged as a significant health problem affecting 50% of population over the age of 50 years.

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Chemistry of Happiness

Chemistry of Happiness

People associate a lot of feelings and sensations with happiness like excitement, thrill, exhilaration, victory, inner peace and satisfaction. It is not possible to be a happy person when we don’t feel good. Sometimes we have the best of everything in life but internally we are not happy. 

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Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Human captivity or freedom depends on the state of mind. Whether a man is healthy or unhealthy reflects not only  his actions but also his thoughts. Over the past few years both offline and online capital market has provided numerous food choices in abundance thereby widening a void between dietary intake and good health.

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All you need to know about Poisons @home

All you need to know about Poisons @home

Everyday household items can quickly turn dangerous  when used by the wrong person or used in the wrong way. These are the substances in our home that can cause harm when swallowed, inhaled or touched. They include detergents, cleaning products, toiletries, garden chemicals, medicines and other common household products.

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Antioxidant Spine Gourd

Antioxidant Spine Gourd

Kantola is one of very famous and nutritious vegetables grown in India for centuries. Due to its spiky texture ,  it is also known as spine gourd. This vegetable is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions as it is a warm and low humid season crop.

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POISONS to kill Poisons

POISONS to kill Poisons

Ayurveda, being a science of life, is dedicated to cure the disease with natural ways viz herbs, minerals and yoga. The ancient texts have mentioned many herbs which are considered toxic,  if not purified and consumed properly,  and not taken under physician’s guidance. Some of these are vatsnabh, dhatura, kuchla, bhanga and arka.

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Bhagavad Gita Says ..

Bhagavad Gita Says ..

•    You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. •    The wise work for the welfare of the world without thought for themselves.

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