
Cure Piles with Ayurveda

Piles have been a common ailment of human civilization for centuries. Medically it is termed as haemorrhoids means blood flow which is the most common feature of the disease. People commonly call it bavaseer. Because of rapid urbanization globally, this disease has emerged as a significant health problem affecting 50% of population over the age of 50 years.

Piles have been a common ailment of human civilization for centuries. Medically it is termed as haemorrhoids means blood flow which is the most common feature of the disease. People commonly call it bavaseer. Because of rapid urbanization globally, this disease has emerged as a significant health problem affecting 50% of population over the age of 50 years.
Common sites
Patients can feel the pile masses externally at 3, 7, 11 o’ clock positions when they are completely prolapsed or  after straining. Those which are present internally cannot be felt even after straining.
General measures 
•   Stool softners
•   High fiber diet
•   Hot water sitz bath
•   Proper hygiene to prevent itching
Ayurvedic management
In initial cases, piles can be managed conservatively but when it causes interruption in daily work, medication is needed.
Local applications
Jatyadi oil
Main ingredients are jasmine, neem, haridra and padmaka which are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory in nature. 
Kasisadi taila
Contains kasisa, shilajit and swaranakshiri as main contents which are antiseptic and anti inflammatory in nature.
Aloe vera
Is often used to treat piles. Has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the size of pile mass.
Shwet trivirit
Useful in constipation and thus helps the patient in painful defecation. It is taken along with a cup of warm milk or luke warm water.
Isabgol husk
Also known as psyllium, it makes the stool bulkier and easier to pass with less straining causing less pressure on pile masses. 
A mixture of herbs viz. harad, bahera and amla, is rich in antioxidants and fibre thus acts as a laxative and also helps in healing. 
A natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, can be applied locally by mixing with ghee.
The root bark of this plant is rich in berberine alkaloid which helps in controlling the bleeding from pile mass.
Has most prominent benefits in managing diarrhea and dysentery which are one of the responsible causes of piles. Helps to control bleeding due to its astringent properties.
Ayurvedic formulations
Triphala churna, Abhyarishta, Kutajarishta, Arshkuthar ras, Bolbadha ras, Triphala guggulu and Arshoghan vati.
Kshar karma
Internal pile masses can be treated with the kshar karma. It is the application of alkaloid paste (kshar) on the pile masses followed by irrigation with kanji and lubrication with yashtimadhu ghrita.
Kshar sutra
A well-known and acclaimed medicated surgical ligature used to manage prolapsed piles. Kshar sutra is prepared by coating a surgical linen thread with snuhi latex, apamarga kshar  and haridra churna. This kshar sutra is ligated on the root of pile mass so that it may shrink and gets detached in a week or 10 days. It is considered to be a safe, sure and cost-effective treatment.

Dr.  Namrata Sharma
Assistant Professor, 
Department of Shalyatantra,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College,
Mahatma Hansraj Marg, Jalandhar-8.
Mob.: 62801 27456