
April 2022

Ayurvedic Management of  Prostate Enlargement

Ayurvedic Management of Prostate Enlargement

An enlarged prostate or benign prostate hypertrophy is not a cancer and does not raise the risk of its conversion to cancer.

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CASTOR OIL - An Age Old Remedy

CASTOR OIL - An Age Old Remedy

Castor oil is a vegetable oil pressed from castor beans. It is a colourless to pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and odour.

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April 2022

April 2022

April 2022

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CALCIUM - An Essential Nutrient

CALCIUM - An Essential Nutrient

Calcium is one of the most important minerals involved in large number of vital body functions.

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Cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells, that grow beyond their boundaries and spread to other organs.

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Moringa - Super Food

Moringa - Super Food

Moringa is an important food source in many parts of the world. It bears numerous health benefits due to wide range of antioxidants in its leaves and pods.

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Citrus fruits are among the most popular fruits in the world. They represent an important part of our diet because of their high nutrition values.

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Shikakai - For Healthy Hair

Shikakai - For Healthy Hair

Shikakai, a climbing shrub, is a native to Asia and is traditionally used as the hair cleanser.

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Black Cardamom - Boon from Himalayas

Black Cardamom - Boon from Himalayas

Black cardamom, commonly called as badi elaichi, is a herbacius plant. It is cultivated in Nepal, Sikkim and parts of Darjeeling.

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Positive Thinking Key to success

Positive Thinking Key to success

When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a million reasons to be happy. Stay strong.

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Ayurvedic Management of Cervical Spondylitis

Ayurvedic Management of Cervical Spondylitis

In cervical spondylitis, due to aging there are changes in the bones, discs and joints of the neck that causes neck pain and stiffness.

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Ayurvedic Solutions to Nasal Allergy

Ayurvedic Solutions to Nasal Allergy

Nasal allergy is a global concern as the incidence of the disease has increased dramatically in recent years which has imposed a heavy burden to general well being.

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BROCCOLI - Wealth of Nutrients

BROCCOLI - Wealth of Nutrients

Broccoli can aid in heart health by keeping the blood vessels strong. The sulphur compound in it is an anti-inflammatory and may be able to prevent or reverse the damage to blood vessels.

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Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic Massage

Massage is a scientific manipulation of soft tissues of body with hands in order to produce effects on nervous, muscular and circulatory system and help to improve body functions. It is used to create energy and is a natural method of restoring injured part.

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Geeta says...

Geeta says...

1.    The key to happiness is reduction of desires. 2.    Lust, anger and greed are the three doors to hell. 3.    He who is deluded by the ego thinks, I am the doer.

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