
Black Cardamom - Boon from Himalayas

Black cardamom, commonly called as badi elaichi, is a herbacius plant. It is cultivated in Nepal, Sikkim and parts of Darjeeling.

Black Cardamom, a popular Indian spice commonly called as ‘Badi Elaichi’ and Nepal Cardamom, is in the form of dark brown to black pods which house small sticky seeds with tough and wrinkled skin. Seeds are generally grown in September to October in well drained soil. Germination happens 25-30 days after sowing. Grows well in forest loamy soil and performs well under shade. The indication of the time of harvest is when the seeds of topmost capsule turn brown.

Cardamom has a strong smoky flavour and classified as warm spice. Aroma is derived from traditional drying procedure over open flames. Comes from spices Amomum subulatum, it is mostly cultivated in Nepal,  Sikkim and parts of Darjeeling. India is the largest producer of black cardamom with 55% share in world population.

Black cardamom contain essential oils which possess many health benefits. Essential oils are aromatic oil liquids with very complex nature known for their medicinal properties. 1, 8- cineole is the main component of seeds, the other is geraniol. 


Black cardamom is considered quite beneficial for gastro intestinal tract,  helps stimulating the release of gastric juices to enhance digestion and also keep the stomach acids in control. Improves appetite and relieves chronic constipation. In addition, being carminative, acts well in flatulence and spasmodic conditions.
Heart Health
Helps keeping the heart in good health by preventing the  hardening of arteries. 
Acts as an expectorant and removes the excess mucus accumulated in respiratory tract.
Performs good diuretic function and thus maintains the kidney health and prevents the formation of stones in urinary tract.
Dental Health
Very effective in ensuring dental health by protecting the oral cavity from the bad effects of micro organisms.
Full of antioxidants vitamins and minerals and thus helps to remove toxins from the body and keep the skin healthy. Acts as a natural remedy for many skin diseases like eczema and skin allergies. 
Antioxidant properties in black cardamom help improving hair health. Regular use over hair and scalp makes them thick, strong and shiny. Very beneficial in removing dandruff.
Mental Health
Antidepressant action of aromatic oil of black cardamom seeds can do wonders in improving mental health and relaxing the mind in stressful conditions.
Black cardamom is loaded with aromatic fragrance and contain numerous health benefits. Being stimulant, carminative, expectorant and antemetic, it has been used traditionally for many ailments. Also used as an important ingredient in many dishes to make them easily digestible and to add aroma in them. Thus consuming black cardamom can do wonders. 

Nutrition Information Per 100 gm

Calories -   311
Total fat  -  6.7 gm
Sodium   - 18 gm
Carbohydrates -   68 gm
Dietary fiber  -  28 gm
Protein  -  11 gm
Vitamin C  -  35%
Calcium  -  38%
Iron  -  78%

Dayanand Ayurvedic College,  Jalandhar.
Mob.: 9814004142 drsanjeevsood@gmail.com