I : God is the original source of all that is true knowledge and all that is known by physical sciences. II : God is existent, Conscious, All Beautitude, Formless, Almighty, Just, Merciful, Unbegotten, Infinite, Unchangeable, Beginningless, Incomparable, the support of All, the Lord or all, All-pervading, Omniscient and Controller of All from within, Evermature, Imperishable, Fearless, Eternal, Pure and Creator of the universe. IT alone must be worshipped. III : The Vedas are the books of all TRUE knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryas to read them, to teach them to others, to listen to them and to recite them to others. IV : All persons should always be ready to accept the truth and renounce the untruth. V : All acts ought to be performed in conformity with dharma (Righteousness and Duty) i.e. after due consideration of the truth and the untruth.
March 2015
Ayurveda is surely a great remedy for many skin problems. Even the toughest of the toughest problems are get solved by this. If you want to get a good skin care do Panchkarma and massage with oils, certain kriyas also eliminate wastage and toxins from your body and gives shine and lustor to your skin. There is no other treatment works fast and super as ayurveda does. There are various natural herbs and medicines in ayurveda which can be prepared from the comfort of your home and acts miracle in the curing your skin problems. Ayurvedic tips to keep skin problems away:- 1. Avoid spicy and oily food: To keep your skin healthy in the monsoon season, avoid spicy, oil and sour foods. The high humidity levels cause the digestive system to weaken and heavy food can lead to an upset stomach. These types of food also aggravate pitta which is responsible a variety of skin breakouts and eruptions in this season. Eat light and easily digestible foods, cooked or steamed vegetables, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, steamed salad, fruits, moong dal, khichree, corn, and oatmeat etc.
Amazing health benefits and uses of Jamun fruit (black plum). Jamun or blak plum is an important source fruit, associated with many health and medicinal benefits. The black plum is known to relieve stomach pain, carminative, anti-acorbutic and diuretic. Jamun vinegar is good to reduce enlargement of spleen, diarrhea, and who has urine retention problems. Jamun's polyphenolic compouds are effective against cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma and arthritis. It is also eaten as tonic to increase sexual activity. Jamun is known by different names such as Jambul, Jamun, Jambas, rajaman, Kala jamun, neredu, naval, Jamali, black plum and black berry. Jamun for diabetes treatment: The black plum has anti-diabetic features. Jamun helps to convert starch into energy and keep your blood sugar level in check. In the summer season, the Jamun reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting. the sugar patients should eat Jamun regularly because of its low glycemic index. The extract of bark, seed and leaves are to beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. In a recent study in CDRI, lucknow India, It has been found that the dried alcholic extract of the seeds are good to reduce the level of blood sugar. jamun seeds powder contains jamboline, a type of glucose, which helps to control the conversion of starch into sugar.
What is baby constipation? Constipation is a condition occurring in the digestive system of human beings and animal’s. It is indeed a sad sight of parents to watch their infant child suffering from constipation. It is characterized by the excretion of hard feces and the difficulty experienced in excreting them. Constipation in breastfed babies and formula fed babies When solid foods are introduced, breastfed babies may become truly constipated while formula fed babies may struggle more frequently with bouts of constipation. Breastfed babies are rarely constipated as breast milk is almost 100% completely digested and utilized by baby’s growing body. Breast milk leaves little “leftovers” to cause constipation. Many breastfed babies do not have infrequent bowel movements however this does not mean that they are constipated. Formula fed babies tend to battle constipation more often than their breastfed counter parts. Unlike breast milk, formula is not as easily digested nor is it as completely absorbed and used babies baby’s body.
The entire human skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years through the process of bone dissolving and re-modelling. But when the bone build-up lags behind the process of bone breakdown, you’re likely to suffer from lowered bone mass or osteoporosis. For keeping pace with bone breakdown you should supply your body with two essential minerals: calcium and vitamin D. The daily recommendation for calcium in adults (upto age 50) is 1,000 milligrams and vitamin D requirement is 200 international units (IUs). Your bones form an important framework for providing structure to your body and protecting your internal organs from direct trauma. So, it is better that you start taking good care of them by including these foods in your diet. Green vegetables: Green and leafy vegetables like spinach (palak), spring onions, fenugreek (methi), cabbage (gobi), broccoli are the best sources of calcium for people who do not consume much of dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. Just one katori of cooked leafy vegetables like spinach can give you about 25 percent of your daily calcium requirement. Spinach is also rich in vitamin K which helps in boosting the bone mineral density.
Tila figures widely in Hindu religious symbolism. A hymn of Sant Kabīr suggests that God is inherently present in a human being like the oil in tiny sesamum seeds. The third eye in the subtle body of man between and behind the eyebrows is called tīsra-tila. Many astrological remedies to ward off the baneful influence of malefic stars involve the use of this holy grain. Traditionally believed to have oozed out of the body of Lord Vishnu or his incarnation, Lord Krishna or the sweat of Kama, the cupid of Hindu mythology, tila belonging to the family Pedaliaceae and available in three varieties white, red and black has been used in India since the Indus-Saraswati civilization. It is included in Pancha-dhanya and Sapta-dhanya, ancient groups of five and seven food-grains respectively. The Atharvaveda describes tila as food along with rice and barley which can make one shine like a jewel. The Yajurveda prays for a bounty of sesamum and other grains. The Vishnu Purana alludes to its need and sanctity. Kautilya in the Arthashastra (Book II) refers to its cultivation and use. The oil-man is called tailika (from tila) in the Mahabharata.
A person's entire immune system can be rejuvenated by fasting for as little as three days as it triggers the body to start producing new white blood cells, a study suggests. But it is a question of wonder that what researchers are revealing today is already revealed hundred of years ago by ayurvedic physician. Fasting is one of the main kinds of Ayurvedic treatment and is mentioned as " Langhana" or " Aptarpana" in ayurvedic texts. Langhana therapy imparts lightens to the body. It makes the body thin and light. It is of two types i.e. Shodhana and Shamana. Shodhana type of langhana treatment is that treatment which expert imbalanced doshas out of body forcibly by decoction, vomiting, Purgation etc. while shaman type of Langhana is that palliative type of treatment in which nor the body expels the increased doshas out of the body neither it increases the normal, but makes the abnormal doshas normal. It can be done by with standing hunger (fasting) digestive, physical activity etc. Now modern research has also reached to the same conclusion what ayurvedic physicians has revealed hundred of years ago Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as "remarkable". Although fasting diets have been criticised by nutritionists for being unhealthy, new research suggests starving the body for as little3 days kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, which fight off infection.
Ayurveda is the most ancient science of life. As such, it is not concerned only with the cure of diseases, but also aims to relieve the humanity from all categories of miseries – physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. Ayurvedic classics give special emphasis on three important values which have been considered the conducive factors for the maintenance of life and health. This important triune consists of Ahara (food), Nidra (Sleep) and Brahmacharya (Good conduct). These three have been considered Upastambha – the basic fundamentals of life and health. Of the three, sleep has been given more importance and considered to be the best in Ayurveda. Food is mainly related with physical factors. Good conduct, with mental factors while sleep has a psychosomatic approach. These three are designated as upastambha of life because they support biological humors vata, pitta and kapha of the body. Vata, pitta and kapha are altered and disturbed if the three upastambhas are unbalanced and may lead to various disorders. Sleep affects both the physical and mental factors equally. If practiced according to a prescribed régime it provides ‘sukh’ which is considered as arogya (disease Free State). Sleep has been considered as nourishing and promotes health by nourishing and increasing kapha which is responsible for the strength and immunity of the body and mind.
Depression and mood disorders are devastating health problems today. When you go to your doctor, their answer is often a prescription for one of the various popular anti-depressant drugs. Many doctors do not investigate for metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that may be the ‘real problem’ for your depression. Patients have no idea why they feel so awful or where to start looking for the answer. They expect their doctor to give them real solutions. Drugs are not the solution because of the serious side effects that come with taking them. If you suffer from depression or mood disorders you may be deficient in one of the nutrients below. Researchers have found that many people who suffer from depression and mood disorders are deficient in not just one nutrient but several, all contributing to the symptoms. Doctors prescribe these drugs from information they get from the medical representative which often is only part-truth. The side effects and dangers of these drugs are down-played or left out altogether. Prescription drugs should only be prescribed after other medical problems have been ruled out.
Zinc is an essential trace element for humans. It is vital for many biological functions and plays a crucial role in many enzymes in the human body. Zinc is important for a healthy immune system, properly synthesizing DNA, promoting health growth during childhood, and healing wounds. Zinc has been used in processed form called ‘Yashad bhasma’ by Ayurvedic physicians for centuries. Its processing is a complex process and involves use of various herbs. It is used for treating various ailments. According to Ayurvedic concept, it is astringent, coolant and pungent in nature and helps in maintaining the balance Kapha and Pitta. It is used in the treatment of eye disorders, anaemia, diabetes, cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, night sweating, non healing wounds, menorrhagia, tremors and diarrhoea. Zinc is required in very small amounts by human body. The adult body contains about 2-3 grams of zinc, which is found in all parts of the body; Muscles and bones contain most of the body’s zinc. Particularly high concentrations of zinc are in the prostate gland and semen. The "Recommended Dietary Allowance" for zinc is: 8 mg/day for women and 11 mg/day for men.
The ancient Rishis of India discovered a simple dietetic treatment that can be very effective in treatment of most of diseases and illness. According to them most of disease are either due to over eating or under eating millions of person are suffereing due to their badly adjusted diet. Doctors today are over burden with patients and patients are over burden with medicines and their cost The only way out is to include plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruit in our diet most of us follow two types of diet, lacto vegetarian or mixed. Those who follow spiritual path generally adopt lacto-vegetarian diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, milk, honey and unrefined sugar. This diet allows perfect equilibrium between the process of assimilation and evacuation. There are few foodstuff which should be included in our daily diet for long and healthy life. Soya: Soya originated in Asia, but becoming a popular in Europe. It contains good amount of protein (43% as compared to 18% in meat) mineral salts iron, calcium, magnesium phosphorus, sodium, sulphur etc. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E. Soya is good for the person who feel tired, nervous, anemic as it is easily digested and provides energy. It regenerates muscle, liver and bones. Those who are unable to take animal milk for any reason they may use soya milk as substitute.
“So long as the breath is restrained in the body, so long as the mind is undisturbed, and so long the gaze is fixed between eyebrows, there is no fear from death,” says the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Yoga is the perfect method of integrating body and mind together so that they form a unity. This unity creates a psychological disposition which can help one to overcome anxiety and stress and give one's best performance. Pranayama and Kriya constitute the vital aspects of Yoga and are traditionally known to produce a state of well being. Both bring about spontaneity and relieve fatigue and anxiety. Both check the vagaries of the human mind and improve interpersonal relationship which is required for team spirit. Both help in relieving deep-seated stress from the nervous system, lead to greater regularity in sleep-cycle, bring about alertness and improve the coordination of mind and body, thereby promoting efficiency in perception and performance. Modern science underestimates human potentialities as it focuses on the left hemisphere of the brain. The intuitive side of mind, which pervades the right hemisphere, stays untouched. It is said that Pranayama and Kriya can switch off the analytical mode and switch on to the holistic mode of consciousness. Both help a person to channelize his mental faculties and integrate his personality. Prana and mind are entwined; by controlling one, the other can be automatically controlled, thereby making the mind steady and concentrated. It has been said that Prana is related to the mind; through mind to the will, through will to the soul; and through this to the supreme being. Prana Shakti (primodial energy) is related to both the body and the mind. Physical body (Sthula sharira) is gross while the mind is subtle. Prana forms a link between the two.
Fenugreek or methi is a multipurpose spice which is widely used in Indian kitchens for various culinary purposes. However, its functionality ranges goes much beyond just imparting distinct flavours to many kitchen dishes. It can also be a valuable addition to your beauty toolkit, and not to forget its various health benefits. Easily available in the market, methi can be a great alternative to many of the expensive skin and hair products, that you might be using. Here is a list of various health and beauty benefits of methi seeds, and the ways to use them. 1. Say no to dandruff: Dandruff is a common hair problem resulting from dead skin cells in the dry scalp. If you are tired of trying anti-dandruff shampoos, it is then time to fight back with natural force. Soak the methi seeds overnight to soften them. Grind them in the morning to make a paste. You can also add curd to the paste for even better results. After your paste is ready, apply it to your scalp and massage the roots of your hair. Wash off your hair after 30 minutes, and say goodbye to dandruff.
The pomegranate botanically known as Punica granatum, is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub belonging to the family Punicaceae. The name pomegranate is derived from Latin word pomum (apple) and granatum (seeded). Its jewel-like seeds are used for medicinal purposes from millennia. Nearly round, but crowned at the base by the prominent calyx, pomegranate has a tough, leathery skin, basically yellow more or less overlaid with light to deep pink or rich red. The interior is separated by membranous walls and white spongy tissue into compartments packed with transparent sacs filled with tart, flavorful, fleshy, juicy, red, pink or whitish pulp. In each sac, there is one white or red, angular, soft or hard seed. The seeds represent about 52% of the weight of the whole fruit. Pomegranates are used in cooking, baking, juices, smoothies and alcoholic beverages, such as martinis and wine.
What makes colostrum so beneficial? There are over 90 known components in colostrum. The primary components, divided into two classes, are immune factors and growth factors. Colostrum also contains a precise balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. All of these factors work together in perfect synergy to restore and maintain health. Cow colostrum is also used for boosting the immune system, healing injuries, repairing nervous system damage, improving mood and sense of well being, slowing and reversing aging, and as an agent for killing bacteria and fungus. Some athletes use Cow colostrum to burn fat, build lean muscle, increase stamina and vitality, and improve athletic performance.
"Life is nothing but a series of breaths" is very well known proverb in Hinduism. Life is entirely dependant on our breath. Breath is ever-present from the moment a baby comes crying on earth till last gasp of a dying man. We can live for many days without food and water but a few minutes of life without breath is not possible. Right from our birth we are taught how to do this and that is our life but non one teaches us how to breathe. That is why people develop many disease that shorten life span.
Grapes have a long and abundant history. While they've grown wild since prehistoric times, evidence suggests they were cultivated in Asia as early as 5000 BC. The grape also played a role in numerous biblical stories, being referred to as the "fruit of the vine." During the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, grapes were revered for their use in wine making. They were planted in the Rhine Valley in Germany, a place of notable wine production, in the 2nd century AD. Around this time, over 90 varieties of grapes were already known. Even though grapes are known to have grown wild on many continents - including Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America - travel and exploration (together with a cultural fondness for this food and its wines) led to transport of native grapes across the world. For example, as European travelers explored the globe, they brought native European ("old World") grapes with them. For the best tasting grapes with high concentrations of antioxidants select those that are fully ripe. Fully ripened grapes are plump and free from wrinkles. They should be intact, firmly attached to a healthy looking stem, and not leaking juice. The area around the attachment should have the same color as the rest of the grape. One way to help predict the sweetness of grapes is by their color: green grapes are medium sweet, red grapes are very sweet, and blue-black grapes are the least sweet. Green grapes should have a slight yellowish hue, red grapes should be mostly red, while purple and blue-black grapes should be deep and rich in color.
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. Kidney stones can form in the kidney, in the tube draining urine from the kidney or in the bladder. They can be many different sizes and shapes. The following are some natural remedies that may help soothe the discomfort of kidney stones: 1. Increase Your Hydration: This is by far the best natural remedy for any type of kidney stones you have. People diagnosed with kidney stones should be consuming a minimum of 10 glasses of fluids on a daily basis. People who are at risk of developing cystine stones should drink more fluids, at least 14 glasses every day. To determine if you are drinking enough fluids, check if your urine is colourless. If not, then you ought to increase your hydration and must be consistent with it. Water remains the best fluid for everyone and should comprise at least half of their hydration routine. Although there is calcium concentration in water in general, it plays a diminutive role in stone formation. Lemon juice (up to half a cup per day) is a wonderful ingredient that can be added to your water or food (especially good with meats or fish) and is proven to be beneficial in the prevention of kidney stones because it contains citric acid. As citrate levels in the body increase, your protection against kidney stones also increases. The high content of vitamin C will also boost your immune system.