
June 2019

Sulphur - A golden mineral for health

Sulphur - A golden mineral for health

Sulphur is a latin word which means 'Brimstone'. It is created naturally and is an essential chemical element. It is  an important mineral in the human body but cannot be synthesized within the body. We rely on our ability to consume sulphur in our daily diet to keep us healthy.

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15 Health benefits of Ginger

15 Health benefits of Ginger

Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional medicine. In addition to its flavoring effects, it is also considered an essential component of the kitchen pharmacy and is particularly used in combination with foods which cause delayed gastric emptying or flatulence. The rhizome part of the ginger is commonly used as a spice.

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Digestion, all you need to know

Digestion, all you need to know

Digestion is the process which involves the breakdown of food taken into small molecules which can be absorbed into blood stream providing essential nutrients for the working of body and elimination of unwanted & undigested material out of it. In this whole activity, there is a huge role of digestive enzymes and juices which are specific for the type of food.

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Yoga for Thyroid Health

Yoga for Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is a small gland that lies just under the skin below the adam’s apple in the neck. It has two halves which are connected by isthmus in the middle giving thyroid gland the shape of a bow tie. Normally, the thyroid gland cannot be  seen and can barely be felt. If it becomes abnormal it is enlarged and can be felt easily.

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Rose for Love and Healing

Rose for Love and Healing

Rose flower is known as beautiful, aromatic creation of God. It is regarded as the best representation of love. It is related with sympathy also. As one of the most enduring symbols for endearment and appreciation, roses are among the most admired and evocative of flowers. The rose is one among the only flowers mentioned in The Bible (the other two are lilies and campfire).

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High blood pressure and its Ayurvedic Management

High blood pressure and its Ayurvedic Management

Although with invention of new drugs, better management of the disease has been made possible, but medicines have to be taken almost life long and side effects of them pose other complications. For comprehensive understanding of this disease, we need to know what exactly high blood pressure is? What are its causes? What are its complications on our body and how to prevent and manage this disease without side effects ?

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Heeng - God sent gum for health

Heeng - God sent gum for health

Used in most of the Indian homes and famous for its peculiar odour, Heeng (English-asafoetida, botanically-Ferula narthrex) is a resin of a plant which grows in the higher ranges of Kashmir, parts of Afganistan and Iran. Ancient texts described it as Heengu and several centuries of its constant use has bestowed upon it the peculiarity of a tempting spice and trusted medicine.

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Guava - Packed with health benefits

Guava - Packed with health benefits

Guava  popularly known as  Amrood  in Hindi is known for its unique flavour and fragrance. It is classified as a super fruit due to the numerous health benefits it has to offer.

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Pippali is one of the herbs mentioned in all ancient scriptures of Ayurveda. Pippali is a sanskrit word for long pepper. Long pepper (piper longum) is a flowering vine in the family piperaceae.  It is cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice.  The plant grows in evergreen forests of India and is cultivated in Assam, Tamil  Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

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Subscribe to Ayurveda Magazine

Subscribe to Ayurveda Magazine

Ayurveda for holistic health is not only a magazine signifying the mere collection of write ups related with health issues but a commitment to make people aware of the methods and potential of remaining healthy through Ayurveda.

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