Bilwa commonly known as Bael tree, holds an important place in Ayurveda for its multi therapeutic uses and religious belief.
Bilwa commonly known as Bael tree, holds an important place in Ayurveda for its multi therapeutic uses and religious belief. It is also called as Shivadruma. As per sayings, offering of bilwa leaf, with its three leaflets symbolizes offering of I, mine and because of me types of egocentric attitude at the feet of the Lord Shiva. Its traditional names are Sadaphala, Shriphala, Gandhapatra and Shandilya.
It is a moderate sized, slender, aromatic and medicinal tree. The flowers are greenish white in colour. Flowering occurs during the month of May and June. Fruit is spherical or oval in shape. The pulp is yellow, soft, sweet, resinous and fragrant. Fruiting occurs in the month of May and June. The pulp is used in preparations like puddings, jam and juices. Leaves, fruits and roots have been used in ethno-medicine for several medicinal properties.
Bilwa contains variety of biologically active compounds which include alkaloids tannins and terpenoids. These active constituents are responsible for various pharmacological activities like antidiabetic, expectorant, antiseptic, antioxidant, antiulcer and anti-inflammatory.
Fruit-pulp of Bilwa and Madhuka mixed with sugar and honey and taken with rice-water, checks diarrhoea. In case of blood mixed stool, tender fruits of Bilwa mixed with liquid jaggery, honey and oil should be taken.
Saturating drink of buttermilk mixed with Bilwa and Kapittha or Shunthi should be given.
Juice of Bilwa leaves mixed with Maricha is useful in oedema, constipation and piles.
Intake of leaves juice with Shunthi, Maricha & Pippali alleviates jaundice.
Cooled decoction of Bilwa added with honey and rice-water should be taken in vomiting.
Decoction of Bilwa, Agnimantha, Shyonāka, Kāśmarī and Pätalä mixed with honey alleviates obesity.
One gets rid of fever with colic by taking milk cooked with tender fruits of Bilwa.
Bilwa Sharbat
Is a homemade energy drink which acts as a coolant and is excellent for the people suffering from gastritis. It also keeps the body hydrated and protects from heat-strokes.
1. Wash Bilwa fruit, break and take out its pulp.
2. In a vessel, add pulp and water doubled than pulp and let it soak for at-least an hour.
3. After that, smash it well with hands until the pulp gets properly dissolved in the water. Separate the seeds and threads from the pulp.
4. Filter the mixture with juice filter.
5. Add jaggery in the juice and when it is mixed properly then add cold water or ice cubes in it.
Bilwa Jam
1. Take 5 fresh bilwa fruits, wash them and remove pulp & separate seeds
2. Add half a litre of water to the pulp, mix well, strain the semi-solid pulp using a strainer. Collect all the pulp.
3. Heat the liquid and add black salt 5gm and keep the flame medium for half an hour. When the pulp becomes thick, add the required amount of sugar and cardamom powder. Cook for another 2 minutes till it gives a jelly like appearance.
4. Keep the freshly prepared jam in room temperature. Store in a clean and dry, air-tight glass bottle.
Bilwa is considered as auspicious tree since ancient times. Several studies have found that it has numerous health benefits and medicinal values. Unripe bilwa fruit has antidiarrheal action and ripe one is laxative, thus beneficial in people suffering from chronic constipation. Further it is used in many compound formulations as well as in single form to treat many inflammatory conditions.
Assistant Professor,
PG Department of Dravyaguna,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar,
Mob: 9888246484