The ancient Rishis of India discovered a simple dietetic treatment that can be very effective in treatment of most of diseases and illness. According to them most of disease are either due to over eating or under eating millions of person are suffereing due to their badly adjusted diet. Doctors today are over burden with patients and patients are over burden with medicines and their cost
The only way out is to include plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruit in our diet most of us follow two types of diet, lacto vegetarian or mixed. Those who follow spiritual path generally adopt lacto-vegetarian diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, milk, honey and unrefined sugar. This diet allows perfect equilibrium between the process of assimilation and evacuation. There are few foodstuff which should be included in our daily diet for long and healthy life.
Soya: Soya originated in Asia, but becoming a popular in Europe. It contains good amount of protein (43% as compared to 18% in meat) mineral salts iron, calcium, magnesium phosphorus, sodium, sulphur etc. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E. Soya is good for the person who feel tired, nervous, anemic as it is easily digested and provides energy. It regenerates muscle, liver and bones. Those who are unable to take animal milk for any reason they may use soya milk as substitute.
Wheat germ: Wheat germ constitutes the essential part from which the wheat plant sprouts, It is one of natural and richest source of B1, B2, B12. Good quality proteins and fats are also present in it with iron. Specialist of Ayurveda recommend wheat germ in every chronic diseases and for healthy living. The wheat germ is commonly used skin and hair related problems. Wheat germ can be made easily at home. Wash a handful of wheat and put in a bowel of warm water. Soak it in luke warm water then put it into an earthen pot or plate. The wheat will sprout very quickly. It can be eaten with lemon and black salt. It can protect us from many diseases and sharpness our memory.
Honey: Honey it the most wonderful natural food stuff available on earth. It has great property of revitalizing the human body. It is an

incomparable source of energy and clams our nerves. It regulates bowel movements and acts as an agent to restore the calcium content to the bones. Its intake improves liver functions. For the patients of chronic liver disease honey should be used 15-20 ml daily along with other herbal medicines. If one is tired, over worked or depressed a tea spoon of honey in luke warm water will act as instant pick up. That is why in Ayurveda it is advised to take almonds soaked in water overnight , then in morning the skins are removed and these almonds are taken with honey improves brain functions.
Dates: Dates are good for rejuvenating blood and are rich in substances required for regenerating the body. They tone up our body, boon for pregnancy, lactation and old age. They contains body nourishing elements that are easily absorbed like fructose, calcium, Iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, alkalies and vitamin A,D,B and C. Dates possess other well known property of getting rid of burning sensation inside the body. Dates when mashed and mixed with water if taken by person having acidity or burning sensation in body, cures him and provide instant relief. It is helpful tonic for all ages also and this drink can be enjoyed in all seasons.
Figs: Figs are an ideal nutritive food taking a Prominent place among other furit. They are extremely good for health and are easily digested. They regulate liver and spleen functions. They are very helpful in person suffering from constipation. They contains vitamin A, B, B2, C several minerals with proteins and carbohydrates. It should strongly added in the diet of sports men, children and convalescents it helps in removing the toxins which accumulated in our digestive system. Person who include figs in daily diet remain energetic, youthful and disease free for whole life. It also helps in maintaining good micro-organisms in our intestines and allow rapid digestion and absorption of vital nutrients to lead healthy and long life.
Dr. Rajni Thakur
Department of Shalakya Tantra
Dayanand Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Jalandhar.