

Cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells, that grow beyond their boundaries and spread to other organs.

Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases of the present century. In cancer,  there is abnormal growth of cells  which  spreads to other parts of the body. Features include abnormal bleeding, anorexia, prolonged cough, swelling, unexplained weight loss, a change in bowel movements etc. According to the recent data of WHO10 million deaths in 2020 were due to cancer which accounts 1 out of 6 global deaths. Out of these 30-50% are preventable.

In Ayurvedic texts, cancer is described as an inflammatory and non-inflammatory swelling. Our entire system worked by  tridoshas  viz. Vata, Pitta, kapha and their balance is  very important for normal body function. In malignant tumors, tridoshas get aggravated and lose their mutual coordination that causes tissue damage, resulting in critical condition. Tridoshas cause excessive metabolic crisis resulting in proliferation of multiple diseases.

On the basis of statistics, leading type of cancers are-
•    Breast Cancer- 11.7% of all cancer deaths 
•    Lung Cancer – 11.4% of all cancer deaths 
•    Colorectal Cancer- 10% of all cancer deaths
•    Liver Cancer- 8.2% of all cancer deaths
•    Prostate Cancer- 7.3% of all cancer deaths
•    Stomach Cancer- 5.6% of all cancer deaths

Factors include certain processed chemical foods, stress, environmental pollutants, infections, exposure to ionizing radiation etc. Above factors alter the genes of a cell. Scientifically many genes expression alterations are required before cancer develops. Although cancer initiation and progression are predominantly accelerated by acquired genetic alterations. It is very clear that micro environment related epigenetic changes play vital roles in development of neoplastic development.  Epigenetics is defined as gene expression activity and expression that occur without alteration in DNA sequences and is sufficiently powerful to regulate the dynamics of gene expression.  

Inspite of the current scientific advancements and achievements this deadly disease has not been reduced.

Ayurvedic medicine and alternative therapy play a good role in finding the supreme cause of an illness and providing therapeutic approach. The ways adopted are divided into four categories as Rasayana chikitsa, (restoration of normal function), Prakritisthapan chikitsa (health maintenance), Roganashani chikitsa (disease cure) and Naishthiki chikitsa (spiritual approach).

Ayurvedic approach to Cancer treatment is highly effective to improve the quality of life and survival rate. Non-pharmacological therapy (Daivavyapashraya chikitsa) is the form of Adravyabhuta chikitsa which maintains the health and provides the cure of the disease in both ways physically and mentally. Adravyabhuta chikitsa  with Dravyabhuta chikitsa is a remarkable treatment procedure to get desired and optimum results in different pathological conditions and for maintaining health and wellbeing. Various measures of Adravyabhuta chikitsa are Yoga, Mantra and Pranic healing .

To improve the immunity of cancer patient, ayurvedic treatment along with healthy (ahara-vihara) diet and lifestyle modifications are beneficial. Chakras meditation is one of the tools to offer the optimal quality life in Cancer patients.Chakras are the “switches” in the path of energy flow in an individual which are the representative of  Pranayama kosha and are subtle in nature. These Chakras in the body create a human energy field around each human being. Chakras healing is a highly emerging system of energy-based healing technique that utilizes “PRANA” to balance, transform and harmonise the body’s vital energy. Chakra healing is discussed here in detail on the basis of modern scientific knowledge.
Chakras are described as centres of subtle body. Each Chakra is related to the physical body through the activities of various glands and nerve plexuses. The anatomical correlation of each Chakra to the nerve plexus and the glands is available in various ancient and modern texts. They are not made of nerves but are powerful and subtle centres of energy. Chakras are an integral part of Yoga. These create a human energy field around each human being. Scientific evidence provides tangible proof of the existence of body’s energy and its relation to health and wellbeing. There is clear mention of treating Prana (bioplasmic body) in ancient science. According to Acharya Sushruta, there are twelve Prana- Agni, Soma, Vayu, Satva, Raja, Tama, Panchendriya,  Bhutatma that ensure life to all creatures by its presence in the body. The National Institute of Health defines Bioenergetics as the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and electromagnetic fields, forces, energies, currents and charges . Bioenergetic medicine refers to the manipulation of bioenergetic fluxes to affect health in positive way. It is the  branch of integrative medicine that studies the science of therapeutic potential of subtle energies. 
Chakra balancing is a procedure that aims to balance and cleanse the life-force energy in a person’s body. These therapies can help people relax and may improve quality of life. This can possibly be of great help in caring the cancer patients and reducing complications. The advancements in cancer management techniques leaves huge imprint on the patient,s mind and body. They are not only expensive but also harmful up to a certain level, thus, hampering one at physical and mental level.
Ayurveda principle of maintenance of health and curing the disease is the actual need required in present age. Thus, devoting much of our days to chakra balance through meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, sound therapies, affirmations and praying may not be realistic for everyone but by being aware of these invisible chakras and signs of an imbalance, we can apply these new methods of self-help. However, further studies are needed to explore the impact of Shadchakras healing on additional clinically relevant measures.
Ayurvedic herbal medicines help in total healing, reduce the toxic effects and cancer-associated complications. Some of these are Haridra, Kalmegha, Bhumiamlaki, Pippali, Kalonji, Kutaki, Manjishtha, Guduchi, Bhilava, Munakka, Hasti danti, Mahua, Kanak champa, Shigru, Indian Banyan, Lashun, Shyonak, Arka tree and Dhatura. Many herbs are under clinical studies and are being investigated phytochemically to understand their chemical compositions and anticancer properties.  More than 25% of drugs used during the last 20 years are directly derived from plants while the other 25% are chemically altered natural products. 

To improve the health of cancer patient, ayurvedic treatment with  lifestyle modification, healthy diet and mind-body treatment are beneficial. Various researches have been done regarding effect of pranic healing (bioenergetic medicine) in metastatic cancer state  and in breast cancer. Now it is crucial  to raise awareness and encourage implementation of ayurvedic treatment to fight cancer and suggest an integrated approach in tumor management and treatment.

1. Assistant Professor (MD, Ph.D),
drpoojasabharwal@gmail.com  96501-90893
2 & 3 MD Scholar,
sagarhimani08@gmail.com  Mob.: 98372-10575
geetanjalikdr@gmail.com   Mob.: 98716-60675
PG Department of Rachana Sharir, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Sansthan,
 New Delhi.