
Holistic Approach for Healthy Heart

A strong heart ensures that our body functions correctly and we stay robust and well. Like a good engine makes a car run smooth, a healthy heart keeps our body function properly. With age, heart also grows old and meets a number of challenges, thus needs special care. But, due to our changed habits and sedentary lifestyle, a lot of people are suffering from poor heart health at a very young age.

A strong heart ensures that our body functions correctly and we stay robust and well. Like a good engine makes a car run smooth, a healthy heart keeps our body function properly. With age, heart also grows old and meets a number of challenges, thus needs special care. But, due to our changed habits and sedentary lifestyle, a lot of people are suffering from poor heart health at a very young age. Heart diseases are the major cause of disability and today considered as a leading cause of death. According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases kill 17.9 million people per year, accounting for 31% of all global deaths. It is predicted that by 2030 this will be more than 22.2 million. Thus, heart diseases have become a major concern for the health care system. Many factors such as heredity, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking can lead to heart disorders. A heart attack happens when blood flow to it suddenly becomes reduced due to deposition of fatty plaque in the arteries. Without the blood coming in, the heart can't get oxygen. If not treated quickly, the heart muscle begins to die.  There are plenty of ways by which we can reduce the risk of heart disease.
There are a number of herbs that can help us to keep the heart healthy. Their therapeutic potential in healthcare system is well known all over the world. Guggulu
Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antilipidemic properties. It reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins thereby preventing blockage in the arteries.  
The medicinal part is its bark. It is one of the coronary vasodilators which improves blood circulation of heart. It also helps in strengthening the heart muscles. 
Ensures proper circulation of blood by preventing blood vessels from contracting. One glass of milk boiled with three cloves of garlic can be taken at bedtime. This medicated milk can be made a daily routine in order to ensure health of the heart.
This powerful herb regulates blood pressure and cholesterol naturally. It works as a tonic for the heart due to its anti-anginal and anti-ischemic properties.
Helps cleaning the blood vessels due to the presence of the active constituent called ‘gingerol’, which in turn helps to reduce the amount of LDL and cholesterol. Water boiled with ginger rhizomes can be taken to prevent heart problems.
Has the power to remove occlusion in the blood vessels due to the presence of active factor called ‘Curcumin’. One glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric powder can be taken at bed time. 
May help in reducing the risk of heart diseases by lowering triglycerides and stabilizing high density healthy lipoproteins.
Researches signify that ashwgandha reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in chronically stressed people. Therefore it helps in promoting the health of heart and its longevity. 
Lifestyle tips
For most of us, preventing heart disease depends largely on our lifestyle, which means that by improving our habits, we can win.
No to smoke or tobacco 
One of the best things one can do for heart is to stop smoking or using tobacco because chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels by reducing the oxygen in the blood, which in turn increases blood pressure and heart rate.
Regular physical activity
Lowers the risk of heart diseases. Helps control weight and reduces the chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on the heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Healthy weight
Being overweight, can further increase the risk of heart diseases. So, reducing weight even by just 3% to 5% can help decrease the risk. 
Good sleep
Getting enough sleep lowers the risk of developing heart related problems. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep and if one has been getting enough sleep but still feels tired throughout the day, it needs to be evaluated.
Stress Management
Ways to manage stress with relaxation exercises and meditation should be promoted more and more in order to improve physical and mental health.
Heart-friendly diet
Can help protect the heart, improve blood pressure and cholesterol. Includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and herbal tea while avoiding high fat, spicy foods, added sugar and sodium rich diet. 
Regular health screening
Regular screening helps to rule out lifestyle disorders and revert the damage to the heart and blood vessels. If the early symptoms of heart diseases are not cared for, it can lead to heart attack. 
    In the end,  it can be said that by adopting the above mentioned ways, one can protect the heart and reverse the diseases related to it. This can also help to reduce the overburden of heart diseases in the society and increase the percentage of heart healthy population.
Associate Professor
Department of Kayachikitsa
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar.
Mob.: 8360083394