

There is a series of natural changes in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible, we call it menstrual cycle. It starts at the age of 16 and lasts till the age of 45 years. These cycles are concurrent and coordinated with duration of 3 to 7 days. Normally, they occur between 21 and 35 days in adult women with a median gap of 28 days.

There is a series of natural changes in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible, we call it menstrual cycle. It starts at the age of 16 and lasts till the age of 45 years. These cycles are concurrent and coordinated with duration of 3 to 7 days. Normally, they occur between 21 and 35 days in adult women with a median gap of 28 days.
Role of hormones
Two hormones play important role in the cycle. One is progesterone that helps to regulate the cycle and the other is estrogen which plays the role in releasing egg from ovaries.
Role of menses in women’s life
Every month female body prepares for pregnancy, but if the egg is not fertilized, it no longer needs the tissue, which  starts to break down along with blood from vagina. This monthly event is responsible for release of various hormones which play a very important role in women’s life. 
Irregularities in menstrual cycle
Lifestyle changes have resulted in many metabolic disorders like cardiac problems, diabetes, obesity and menstrual irregularities.  Related to menstrual changes are absence of menses, long duration, short duration, increase in menstrual blood flow and painful menses. These irregularities frequently affect the quality of life of women. So to combat these awful conditions, females always search for different ways. The modern approach is replacing the deficiencies with synthetic hormones which have dreadful hazards and make the body dependant on them.  Holistic approach not only treats the symptoms but also regulates the release of hormones from the glands thereby providing natural cure to the patient. 
Ayurvedic herbs
Nature has gifted us with so many herbs which are useful in menstrual irregularities. Commonly used herbs are: 
1. Ashoka
Reduces pain and cramps during menstrual cycle. Boil 20 gm of ashoka bark powder with one glass of milk till half the quantity is left. Consume two times a day.
2. Ashwagandha
Improves the hormonal imbalance while strengthening the adrenal glands. Take 5 gm of ashwagandha powder with one glass milk twice a day.
3. Dashmool
Strengthens muscles in the uterus for better menstrual discharge. Ingest 100 ml of decoction of dashmool 3 times a day.
4. Aloe vera
Corrects hormonal imbalance and reduces excess weight, thus treats menstrual irregularities. Fresh aloe vera juice with one teaspoon of honey is very beneficial.
5. Daruharidra
Helps control heavy menstrual bleeding. Consume 3 to 5 gm of daruharidra  powder with rice water. 
6. Shatavari
Known as female friendly herb, beneficial in premenstrual syndrome and  acts as uterine tonic as well. Take 5 gm of shatavari churna  with ghee regularly.
7. Lodhra
Normalizes hormone level, manages menstrual cycle and triggers ovulation. Take 5 gm lodhra churna with 100 ml of varun bark decoction two times a day. 
In Ayurveda there are many yogic kriyas which control the hormonal imbalance and maintain health. They also help to reduce muscle cramps and backache. These bring calmness of mind.
Dhanurasana helps relieving menstrual irregularities and discomforts. Ushtrasana helps in reducing menstrual pain. Bhujangasana eases discomfort, lowers down the stress and lethargy. Baddha konasana controls anxiety and tensions. Suryanamaskara helps reducing body weight and ensures regular menstrual cycle.
Diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, iron and vitamin D reduces the risk of premenstrual symptoms.
Omega 3 fatty acids– sesame, almonds and fish.
Calcium – milk, cheese, yogurt and soya beans.
Iron – leafy green vegetables, dates raisins and figs. 
Vitamin D – cod liver oil, egg yolk, fortified food and soya milk.
Mesturation is a normal biological phenomenon that every woman goes through in her life. But, because of stress, hormonal imbalance and poor lifestyle, they have to suffer a lot during this period. By modifying lifestyle, adopting healthy diet and holistic ways of management,  they can get back regular cycle.

Department of Prasuti tantra & Strirog,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College,
Hansraj Marg, G.T. Road, Jalandhar-8.
Mob.: 94171 44466