
How Ayurveda can help in your Diabetes

Long time ignorance, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, lack of sleep and chronic stress affects our health and finally leaves the body with hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and heart disorders. Among all of these, diabetes has become a big concern for the country and we are soon going to be the diabetes capital of the world.

Long time ignorance, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, lack of sleep and chronic stress affects our health and finally leaves the body with hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and heart disorders. Among all of these, diabetes has become a big concern for the country and we are soon going to be the diabetes capital of the world.
Diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder resulting from defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both which in turn leads to chronic rise in blood sugar levels. It is the most threatening  endemic lifestyle disorder having  social, medical and economic ramifications globally. As per one recent report of the International Diabetes Federation, each year 3.8 million  deaths  are attributable  to  diabetes  and  related complications. 
There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction. This reaction destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. People with Type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day. 
Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable disease and intensive lifestyle interventions are not only highly effective but cost-effective too. 50%  of  diabetics are unaware of their condition  and up to 80% of type 2 diabetes is preventable  by adopting  a  healthy  diet  and increasing  physical  activity. 
Management of the disease is a collaboration of change in lifestyle, diet and pharmacological intervention. Studies have proved that active participation of the patients in the form of lifestyle changes can result in less expense for the management and ensure good glycemic control also. 
Ayurveda lays the concepts of daily regimen, seasonal regimen, moral and social conducts as well established guidelines for healthy lifestyle. Ayurvedic wholesome diet and lifestyle can definitely play a major role in disease prevention as well as management.
Dietetic Regimen 
1. Grains like barley, wheat, sathi rice, sorghum, ragi and kodo serve as a good option for diabetics. Phytochemicals in whole grain cereals like lignan,  phytic  acid and phenolic acid minimize glycemic index and work as antioxidant. These contain high proportion of soluble dietary fiber and thus cause reduction in gastric emptying and absorption of glucose.
2.    Protein diet is an essential part   of   diabetes menu   plan. Pulses like bengal gram, toor dal, green gram and horse gram provide protein,  high  fibre, possess  antioxidant  effects  and  have  a  low  glycemic index,    making    them    particularly    beneficial    in diabetes.
3. Bitter vegetables like fenugreek, pointed gourd, bitter gourd, choulayee, bathuva and drum stick exhibit significant hypoglycemic activity by   potentiating pancreatic secretion of insulin.
4.    Fruits like jamun, goose berry, monkey fruit, pomegranate, unripe bananas are good options as having antioxidant properties with low glycemic index.
5.    Buttermilk is best for keeping blood glucose in optimum levels, refreshes the person as well as reduces excessive hunger. Lactic acid in it helps to improve pancreas function. It contains probiotics  which improve  gut  motility  and  digestion. It also gives additional benefits due to the richness of vitamins and minerals.
6.    Cooking oil like mustard oil is attributed for the stimulation of glycogen synthesis   which results in rise of hepatic   glycogen and fall of  blood sugar levels.
7.    Makhane can be taken as snacks as they contain alkaloids and flavonoids with anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects.
8.    Other diet options include flax seed oil, popcorn of jawar, puffed rice, black pepper, rock salt, asafoetida,  turmeric and ginger.
1. Jamun
Having lots of antioxidants and low glycemic index, it is a very good option in fruits. Its seeds serve as a beneficial hypoglycemic medicine. 
2. Turmeric
A common spice that has many health benefits, contains curcumin that is believed to be helpful in preventing type-2 diabetes. 
3. Gurmar
Means sugar destroyer, a very popular herb helps balance insulin levels. 
4. Amla
Also called Indian gooseberry is considered a super fruit due to its antioxidant properties, which prevents damage caused by complications.
5. Asana
Helps improve the utilization of glucose by the muscles thus, controls blood sugar levels. 
6. Saptarang
Well-known herb that manages blood sugar levels and ensures an optimum lipid profile.
7. Guduchi
A hypoglycemic agent that stimulates the body to produce insulin. 
8. Neem
Helps manage diabetes due to glycosides and flavonoids in it.
Yoga is an effective as well as efficient way for the patient in terms of cost, time and efforts. Paschimottanasana, Setubandhasana, Virabhadrasana, Mayurasana and Pavanamuktasana are some of the asanas helpful for diabetic patients. Yoga causes parasympathetic activation which in turn helps to achieve overall metabolic and psychological improvement through stress reduction and increased insulin sensitivity.
Pranayama causes comprehensive changes in body physiology by controlling the autonomic nervous system. It alone has shown to offer number of beneficial effects in managing diabetes. Brisk walk and regular physical activity add on for extra benefits.
Foods to Avoid
•    Excessive use of curd, flesh  of animals of  domestic,  aquatic  and  marshy  places,  use  of  dairy  preparations,  water  of  rivers and tanks during rains and  floods and new grains.
•    Excessive intake of dry substances, pungent, bitter food and excessive fasting.
•    Fat rich milk products, sugarcane juice, curd, sour substances and sweet drinks.
•    High fat and meat intake. These are associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and reported  to  decrease  the  good cholesterol  levels  in  the  blood  and  may adversely affect the lipid  profile. Such food is  low  in  fiber,  high  in  glycemic  loads  and  is associated with increased risk  of diabetes. 
It can be concluded that eating smaller portions throughout the day, adding variety of whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables everyday helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in desired range. Further, regular physical activities, brisk walk, yoga and pranayama help maintaining ideal body weight and also reduce oxidative stress in the body.
A well-managed lifestyle, following the principles of Ayurveda contributes to a better management of diabetes.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Kayachikitsa,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar.