
Chemistry of Happiness

People associate a lot of feelings and sensations with happiness like excitement, thrill, exhilaration, victory, inner peace and satisfaction. It is not possible to be a happy person when we don’t feel good. Sometimes we have the best of everything in life but internally we are not happy. 

People associate a lot of feelings and sensations with happiness like excitement, thrill, exhilaration, victory, inner peace and satisfaction. It is not possible to be a happy person when we don’t feel good. Sometimes we have the best of everything in life but internally we are not happy. 
After discussion with some doctors we have found the real cause of happiness. There are four hormones which determine a human being’s happiness: endorphin, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.     
It is important that we understand these hormones, as we need all four of them to stay happy. 
Endorphins are endogenous opioid neuropeptides and peptide hormones in human beings and other animals. They are the body's natural painkillers, released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain or stress and create a general feeling of well-being. When we do yoga or take exercise, the body releases endorphins. Laughter is another good way of generating endorphins. We can also read or watch funny stuff to get our day's dose of endorphins.                   
The second hormone is Dopamine, a type of neurotransmitter; our body makes it and our nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it is sometimes called a chemical messenger. It plays a role in how we feel pleasure. In addition to our mood, dopamine also affects movement, memory and focus. Healthy levels of dopamine drive us to seek and repeat pleasurable activities, while low levels can have an adverse physical and psychological impact. When we get appreciated for our work at the office or at home, we feel accomplished and good, that is because it releases dopamine. This also explains why most housewives are unhappy since they rarely get acknowledged or appreciated for their work. 
The third hormone Serotonin is a chemical nerve cells produce. It sends signals between the nerve cells. Serotonin is found mostly in the digestive system, although it is also in blood platelets and throughout the central nervous system. It is made from the essential amino acid tryptophan. This amino acid must enter the body through the diet and is commonly found in healthy diet and foods such as nuts, cheese and dark chocolates. It is considered a natural mood stabilizer. It regulates anxiety, depression, sleep and  makes us more focussed.  Tryptophan deficiency can lead to lower serotonin levels. This can result in mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression. When we transcend ourselves and give back to others or to nature or to the society, it releases serotonin. When we meditate, do physical activities, laugh and get enough sleep,  good amount of serotonin is generated.
The last hormone is Oxytocin, a peptide hormone and neuropeptide normally produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It plays a role in social bonding, reproduction, childbirth and the period after childbirth. It is also associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building. It is sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,” because levels of oxytocin increase during hugging and orgasm. It is released when we become close to other human beings. When we shake hands or put our arms around someone's shoulders, various amounts of oxytocin is released.
So, it is simple, we should regularly exercise every day to get endorphins; we have to accomplish little goals and get dopamine; we need to be nice to others to get  serotonin; and  finally hug our kids, friends and members of our family to get oxytocin and we will then remain in a happy mood. When we are happy, we can deal with our challenges and problems better.

Sandeep Aneja
Lecturer Commerce
G. M. Sr. Sec. School (boys)
Fazilka (8146314466)