
Ayurvedic Solutions to Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population in any geographical region at any age,  gender and ethnicity. No population would have passed through freely without dandruff at some stage in their life. It affects aesthetic value of a person. It has been well established that keratinocytes play a key role in expression and generation of immunological reactions during dandruff formation.

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population in any geographical region at any age,  gender and ethnicity. No population would have passed through freely without dandruff at some stage in their life. It affects aesthetic value of a person. It has been well established that keratinocytes play a key role in expression and generation of immunological reactions during dandruff formation.
In physiological spectrum of scaling,  about 487000 cells/sq cm get released normally and this number goes up to 800000/sq cm during dandruff. It is difficult to define dandruff because it blurs with seborrhoeic dermatitis and some other scaling conditions.
Histological examination reveals the scattered presence of lymphoid cells and squirting capillaries in papillary dermis with hints of spongiosis and focal parakeratosis. Conceptually, dandruff is a dander and represents physiological scaling with a cluster of corneocytes, which have retained a large degree of cohesion with one another and detach as such from the surface of stratum corneum. The role of lipophilic yeast belonging to genus malassezia is widely accepted to play a role in dandruff. During dandruff, the levels of malassezia increase by 1.5 to 2 times its normal level. The response to treatment is commonly swift but transient.
The non microbial causes of dandruff are well established. Excessive exposure to sunlight is known to cause desquamation of scalp. Irritation of scalp due to over shampooing, frequent combing, use of certain cosmetic products, dusts and dirt also to some extent cause dandruff.
The common ingredients used in anti dandruff preparations are sulphur, salicylic acid, tar, steroids, antimicrobial agents such as selenium, sulfide, imidazoles and hydroxypyridones which provide temporary relief only and the person becomes habitual to these harsh chemicals. 
Dandruff can be considered as darunak in ayurvedic parlance possessing resemblance in clinical manifestations. Ayurveda places the dandruff in the category of kshudra rogas, which appear due to imbalance of all 3 doshas. The primary doshas involved are kapha and vata.
The ayurvedic line of treatment is to generally pacify kapha and vata through herbal medications as well as tailor- made diet and lifestyle changes.
1.    Paste of chironjee seeds, mulethi root, kushth stem and urad seeds, mixed with honey.
2.    Mango seeds and harad mask.
3.    Amalki and mango seeds paste.
4.    Mulethi churan in coconut oil.
5.    Neeloptal, keshar, mulethi, black til and amalki churan hair mask.
6.    Soaked black gram in kanji for 3 weeks and then the prepared paste as a mask.
7.    Soaked methi seed powder and  triphala churan in curd for twelve hours and then applied as a mask. 
•    Harad, bahera and amla decoction
•    Reetha  and shikakai decoction
Includes detoxification procedures like abhyanga, swedana, nasya, raktmokshan and shirobasti can play a major role in managing dandruff. 
Mud therapy
Mud packs are typically used for local application. To make a pack, keep the wet cotton cloth in the wet mud so that the cloth is soaked properly. Now make the multilayers of this cloth and place on the head for 30 minutes. The high mineral content of mud helps in detoxifying and healing of the scalp skin keeps it hydrated and increases the  circulation.
Classical formulations
•    Neem tail
•    Gandhak tail
•    Nalpamaradi tail
•    Durdurpatradi tail
Diet is considered as one of the factors responsible for chronic dandruff. Incorporating food rich in vitamins and minerals like almonds, cashews, walnut, spinach, brocolli, soyabean, carrots and sesame seeds helps in removing it permanently.

Dr Rajni Thakur
Associate Professor,
Department of Shalakya Tantra,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College,
Mahatma Hansraj Marg, Jalandhar-8

Arshiya Bajaj