
7 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is the  number one cause of premature death in world for both men and women. But it doesn't have to be that way for you. These seven steps to prevent heart disease or even reverse heart disease are not complicated. And they lead to the heart healthy fountain of youth. Research published in the American Heart Association journal, Circulation, shows that the vast majority of people can live a life free from heart disease and stroke by just following these seven simple heart healthy steps. Many people fool themselves into thinking they're living a heart healthy lifestyle. But studies show that you must be lined up with these seven criteria in order to prevent heart disease and live a long, healthy life. These seven factors end up being the fountain of youth for your heart. You live longer, live healthier longer, have a much better quality of life in your old age and you require less medication and medical care.  

 7 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease

1.   Don't smoke. Smoking health risks are highly significant. So, if you smoke, quit. And also avoid second hand smoke as much as possible.

2.  Exercise regularly. Make sure your schedule includes at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity 5 to 7 days every week.

3.  Eat a healthy diet. Choose lean high protein foods and healthy high fiber foods from the list of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Include omega 3 fish at least twice a week. Eliminate unhealthy high glycemic index foods. Limit daily salt intake to 1,500 milligrams. And eat for great health in 5 or 6 small mini-meals a day, rather than 2 or 3 large meals.

4.   Maintain healthy blood pressure. Follow the above steps and the guidelines for how to lower blood pressure naturally to stay below 120/80.

5.   Keep your blood sugar under control. Choose from the glycemic index diet of low glycemic foods to keep your fasting blood glucose under 100.

6.   Manage good cholesterol levels. Learn how to lower cholesterol and triglycerides naturally to reach and maintain these optimum levels:

                •             Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl.

                •             HDL (good) cholesterol over 40 mg/dl.

                •             LDL (bad) cholesterol less than 100 mg/dl.

                •             Triglycerides less than 150 mg/dl.

7.   Get and stay slim and fit. To prevent heart disease it's important to maintain a body mass index of less than 25. This takes commitment, focus and persistence, using healthy permanent weight loss strategies that work.

So by learning how to prevent heart disease and following these seven heart healthy steps you can greatly reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke, improve your overall health and feel much better in the process.

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