Ajamoda (Apium graveolens), in Ayurveda is also known as Garden Celery, a herb of Umbelliferae family. It is not very common in our days; its usage is almost confined to Central Asia and Northern India, particularly the North West states like Punjab and Gujarat. Ajmoda also enjoys popularity in the Arabic world. It was known and used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Celery seed was used as a medicine by Hippocrates and in ancient China and Japan.
Other sanskrit names are-Agnika, Ajamodakam, Deepyaka, Kharasva, Yavanika
In English it is known as: Garden Celery, Sellerie, Wild Celery
In Hindi it is known as -Ajowan, Bengali: Jowan or Joan, Gujarati: Yavan, Kannada: Oma, Malayalam: Omum and in Punjabi : Ajamoda.
Ayurvedic energetics:
Its taste is pungent and bitter, it is light, hot and d
ry in properties and pungent in post digestive effects. It's potency of Ajmoda is hot and with having Vata and Kapha decreasing effect.
Seeds and whole plant of Ajmoda are used for medicinal purpose.
Its taste is pungent and bitter, it is light, hot and dry in properties and pungent in post digestive effects. It's potency of Ajmoda is hot and with having Vata and Kapha decreasing effect seeds and whole plant of Ajmoda are used for medicinal purpose.
Ajamoda contains: Alpha-linolenic-acid,beta-eudesmol, coumarins, flavonoids isoimperatorin, isoquercitrin, limonene, linoleic acid, p-cymene, terpinene-4-ol,3-N-butyl-phthalide,Umbelliferone Vitamin A,Vitamin C,Vitamin B, volatile oils, including apiol.
How to use Ajmoda: Prepare a decoction by adding water in the ratio 1:16 and reduce it to half drink twice a day as lukewarm with a pinch of rock salt.
Precautions: Ajamoda should not be used by pregnant women as it may cause muscle contractions in the uterus and uterine bleeding.
People with an active acute kidney inflammation or problems, but may be taken in modest amounts for chronic kidney problems
Drug Interactions: Ajamoda contains properties that may thin the blood so should not be used with aspirin and warfarin. Ajamoda has diuretic effects and diuretics can deplete potassium from your body.
Consultant Physician
Ayurvedic Research Center,
Rajauri Garden, New Delhi.
09911381098, e-mail : ishabll123@gmail.com