Ayurveda the science of life, India’s native wisdom in health and medicine has great contribution in achieving one of the basic persuits of life i.e. holistic health. Which considers state of perfect health not merely balanced body biochemistry but a perfect equilibrium of mental quotient also.
This Vedic health science has described basic human body nature in an interesting manner by initially describing three basic natures Vataj, Pitaj, Khaphaj, and subsequently combination of these three. these basic natures are developed because of bodies fundamental and biochemical constitution. Total body biochemistry divided into three basic groups reflected by various physical & mental characteristics is called TRIDOSHA (Tri- means three and Dosha means factors). Its balancing or equilibrium provides good health and imbalance causes diseases. Dominance of any of these factor or Dosha makes a Specific Ayurvedic body nature or constitution termed as PRAKRITY in Sanskrit or Hindi and TASEER in Urdu.
Information of our basic body nature can help us significantly in remaining free from diseases throughout our life by selecting suitable food and life style, compatible to our body.
Now an obvious question comes in the mind of reader how to determine which body type we own. Here is a basic description of three body types or basic natures or Prakertees or Taseers.
VATA BODY TYPE: Considering this universe made up of five basic elements i.e. PRTHVI, (Earth), JAL (Water) TEJ (Fire), VAYU (Air) and AKASH (Space). Vata body types have dominantly elements of VAYU (Air), AKASH (Space) bonded with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness when bonded with nonliving VAYU & AKASH creates living or biochemical substance termed as VATA DOSH, persons with predominant levels of VATA DOSH have Vataj, Personality reflected by various body characteristics. If we look at the bodies of vataj persons, we will find these persons mostly with thin body frame, they will have taller bodies although rarely they can be too short in heights.
As Vayu and Akash are light in nature their body will have low body weights they do not gain weight even after eating plenty of food. We observe this phenomenon in families, also where some of the family members in spite of eating sufficient quantity of food do not easily gain weight but others taking small quantity of food gain more weight. Bones of these personalities are also prominent. Their skin is dry in appearance as well as to touch. If we shake hand with such personalities we will find them mostly cold and sometime perspiring. Regarding their bowel habits they have tendency for constipation and pass dry well formed stools. Duration and nature of sleep also varies in various tridosha nature, vataj people sleep comparatively less and with little disturbance or noise they get up. Emotionally Vataj persons are sensitive and erratic. There are great variations in their moods, and easily gets excited they will not surrender during arguments. They are extreme in thinking or developing ideas. They may make big plans but rarely follows them. While thinking or in stressful situations they may be shaking their legs, feet or arms. Being unpredictable in social behavior they have less friends but many acquaintances. These personalities have nature of criticizing almost every situation or person, as a boss they are terrible and as subordinate of complaining nature.
Regarding memory they memorise quickly but do not retain for a longer period and forget fast. In the situation of decision making they get confused take extreme decision. Regarding eating habits they can eat good quantity of food and will have liking for cheese, butter, sweets, fried heavy food, sauces and saltish food.
: Considering this universe made up of five basic elements i.e. PRTHVI, (Earth), JAL (Water) TEJ (Fire), VAYU (Air) and AKASH (Space). Vata body types have dominantly elements of VAYU (Air), AKASH (Space) bonded with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness when bonded with nonliving VAYU & AKASH creates living or biochemical substance termed as VATA DOSH, persons with predominant levels of VATA DOSH have Vataj, Personality reflected by various body characteristics. If we look at the bodies of vataj persons, we will find these persons mostly with thin body frame, they will have taller bodies although rarely they can be too short in heights. As Vayu and Akash are light in nature their body will have low body weights they do not gain weight even after eating plenty of food.
We observe this phenomenon in families, also where some of the family members in spite of eating sufficient quantity of food do not easily gain weight but others taking small quantity of food gain more weight. Bones of these personalities are also prominent. Their skin is dry in appearance as well as to touch. If we shake hand with such personalities we will find them mostly cold and sometime perspiring. Regarding their bowel habits they have tendency for constipation and pass dry well formed stools. Duration and nature of sleep also varies in various tridosha nature, vataj people sleep comparatively less and with little disturbance or noise they get up. Emotionally Vataj persons are sensitive and erratic. There are great variations in their moods, and easily gets excited they will not surrender during arguments. They are extreme in thinking or developing ideas. They may make big plans but rarely follows them. While thinking or in stressful situations they may be shaking their legs, feet or arms. Being unpredictable in social behavior they have less friends but many acquaintances. These personalities have nature of criticizing almost every situation or person, as a boss they are terrible and as subordinate of companing nature. Regarding memory they memorise quickly but do not retain for a longer period and forget fast. In the situation of decision making they get confused take extreme decision. Regarding eating habits they can eat good quantity of food and will have liking for cheese, butter, sweets, fried heavy food, sauces and saltish food.
These tridoshaj natures have three forms i.e mild, moderate and severe. Mild vataj nature is not very harmful but moderate and severe vata nature invites various diseases, in Ayurvedic texts eighty diseases have been described which are because of dominance of vata factor in body, some of common among vata disorders are high blood pressure, heart strokes, brain strokes (paralysis), joint pains, anxiety, thyroindism, gout etc.
With knowledge of our body constitution it is easy to prevent incidence of the probable diseases by suitable food habits and life style. General advice for such person is that they should get their body massaged with olive, sesame, coconut oil or any oil. Getting one’s body pressed by some person or through some gadgets like special chairs or foot messages is very useful for pacifying vata. They should go to bed at latest by 09.00 p.m. late night sleeps are extremely harmful and can severely effect their health. Habit for an hour in the day is very useful.
Shirodhara an Ayurvedic pre panchkarma procedure is extremely useful for tranqualising vata at mental level. Hot environment naturally purifies vata for vata persons. In severe winters rooms should be kept heated and ventilated. General food advise for moderate and severe Vataj personalities is Sesame, olive oil, flax seed, ghee, butter, rice bran oil, crundy oil, coconut oil as cooking medium or dressing on salads, wheat, rice, and fish as staple food. They can take deserts with creams, butter, almonds, resins, cashews, pistachio, hazelnuts etc. Hot but not dry weather is good for Vata personalities. Stressful situations are not good for these people. Details of foods which can be taken and those to be avoided in a table along with information related to Pitta & Kapha will be given in forthcoming issue.
Principal, Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Mahatma Hans Raj Marg G. T. Road, Jalandhar-144008,
E-mail: rajkumarayurveda@yahoo.com, 098142-4443