
Ayurvedic Hurbs for Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Menstruation is the important monthly event in the life of a woman. Normally it occurs after 28days, without pain & persists for 5-7 days, with adequate bleeding and not affecting the working capacity of a female. This is the normal pattern of menstruation. Any menstrual bleeding not fulfilling this criteria comes under the menstrual irregularities. These menstrual irregularities may be present either as scanty flow or increased flow during the periods. There may be variation in the cycle length either reduced or prolonged or the duration of bleeding may be more than seven days.

The menstruation may be associated with pain. These complaints may present as individual or may occur collectively. All these come under menstrual irregularities. These irregularities can affect the daily functioning of woman and are concerned about its effects on work and social activities and can also be a cause of stress and may result in a lot of diseases. Common menstrual abnormalities includes pain during periods, absence of periods, Heavy bleeding, Scanty bleeding, Menopausal bleeding etc. If these disorders remains persistent, then they become a major gynaecological problem.

Excessive or heavy bleeding is one of the menstrual disorders that affect the daily working capacity of the women. Excessive bleeding may occur in any age starting right from the onset of menstruation till the stoppage of same. During onset of menstruation in girls there may be excessive flow during the periods. Generally In the age group of 15 to 45 years this problem may appear anytime.


Incidence is common in reproductive years and pre-menopausal age. Around 9-14% of women experience heavy bleeding. About one third of all outpatient gynaecologic visits accounts for excessive bleeding.

Risk Factors:

There are a lot of factors which affect menstruation.

Factors which may affect the normal menstruation may be enlisted as –

• Stress

• Life style factors

• Medical therapies

• Obesity

• High BMI

• Hormonal changes

• Gynaecological disorders

Stress and bad eating habits play major role in all the menstrual disorders. Certain foods in the diet can cause an imbalance in the hormone levels. A lot of medical therapies can also cause excessive bleeding.

Many factors are responsible for these irregularities . One important factor is hormonal variation but not always hormonal imbalances are responsible for these irregularities, a lot of other factors also play role . Many female disorders are having the excessive bleeding as a main symptom. So if any female is having the complaint of excessive bleeding during the periods she must consult her gynaecologist.

You may feel: Increased amount of bleeding during menstruation is the first and foremost symptom of this bleeding disorder and it generally affects the normal health status of a woman. Other symptoms are –

• Feeling of weakness.

• Pain in body, joints &legs.

• Loss of appetite.

• Anxiety

• Sensation of vomiting.

• Restlessness.

• Backache .

• Irritability .


If you avoid the above problems and do not consult a doctor, following consequences may arise –

• Anaemia – Heavy bleeding may cause a lot of blood loss.

• Working capacity is reduced. Feeling of fatigue, lethargy is there.

Things to do:


• Increase your water intake .

• Nuts intake.

• Fruits and fruit juice.


• Avoid the bad food habits.

• Avoid junk food.

• Avoid fried food.

• Avoid spicy food.

• Limit the tea intake.

• Reduce the sugar intake.

• Stop the alcohol usage.


A Lot of yogic exercises helps to control the problem. U may follow these yogasana to get benefits –

• Bhujangasana

• Dhanurasasna

• Baddha konasasna

• Padmasana

NOTE –take expert advise before following the yogasanas.

Meditation Body Cleansing-

A lot of preservatives are used in food items and in cosmetics which could lead to hormonal variations . Overdose of hormones during the hormonal treatment may result in many gynaecological syndromes .So the removal of these toxins from the body may help to get good health. Ayurveda provides cleansing techniques through Panchkarma like medicated vomiting etc. to remove these toxins from body.

Stress Management-Stress is an evil which can cause a lot of harm to body. So it is necessary to remove this evil by relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and above all healing meditative techniques.

Diet: Good nutrition is must for a women with excessive bleeding. A well rounded diet consisting of whole grains ,fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein .These kind of foods provide plenty of energy ,the means for lifelong weight control and the key ingredients for looking and feeling great at any age.

So it is advised to –

• Take dairy products, green leafy vegetable, broccoli, carrots, watermelon, apricots, mangoes, bananas, avocado and tomato juice.

• A diet rich in fish, fish oils, flaxseed, and soyproteins. Animals products like red meat, organ meat, egg yolk, and poultry should be avoided

Bone up on calcium:

Take dairy products high in calcium. Also consider plant based sources of calcium like beans, broccoli, and green vegetables and fruits such as guava and banana.

Make sure you get enough iron:

Many women do not get enough iron in their diet .On top of that women loose a lot of this important mineral during menstruation .Boost your intakes by eating iron –rich foods such as lentils, spinach, almonds, pomegranate, raisins, non fortified cereals and dried herbs like cumin and coriander seeds.

Role of herbals:

Ayurveda offers natural solutions to manage this disorder. Some of the herbs useful in the management of excessive bleeding are –

• Ashoka- ashoka is one of the well known herb in the management of a lot of female disorders. It is effective in fatigue and general weakness. Ramayana, one of the greatest epics of hindu mythology, mentions the ashoka, which means “without sorrow”.

• Amalaki-Ayurvedic manuscripts describes Amalaki as peerless among rejuvenating herbs. Amalaki is useful in many diseases. It is an excellent source of vitamin C. It maintains energy levels, vitality and accelerates the cell regeneration process. Amla enhances the production of red blood cells, so it corrects the anaemic conditions in females having excessive bleeding.

• Punarnava- different parts of punarnava exert strong antibacterial, analgesic and anti – inflammatory actions. It has anti stress properties also

Shatavari- Shatavari is also helpful in the treatment of menstrual problems.

Guduchi- Gudhuchi has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


Deptt. Of Prasooti and Stri Roga

Dayanand Ayurvedic College & Hospital,


Email id – kllohiya_678@yahoo.co.in