A frozen shoulder also known by doctors as adhesive capsulitis is one that develops so much pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint that the affected person finds it difficult to move the shoulder freely. In some cases it is so severe that the shoulder cannot be moved at all, hence the term “frozen” given. It has nothing to do with temperature.
The real cause is not known. What we do know is that inflammation develops within the shoulder joint and adhesions form. Adhesions, which are fibrous bands of tissue that look like cobwebs, develop within 10 days or so and occupy the joint space. The disorder can develop “out of the blue”, without a history of injury or overuse. But sometimes an injury such as a fall on to the shoulder may precede a frozen shoulder. It may follow a period of forced disuse, such as after a stroke.
It can affect any person of any age but seems to be more common among middle-aged women and young athletes. It is commonly encountered in people with diabetes.
The main symptom is pain and stiffness in the shoulder, which is slight at first and then gets progressively worse.
The pain is a deep, sickly, throbbing ache in the shoulder, with radiation down the arms and possibly into the neck. It is aggravated by certain everyday movements such as dressing and undressing, as well as combing the hair. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by ultrasound examination.
Unfortunately, healing is very slow but a complete recovery can be expected even without treatment. This may take two years or longer but on average takes about 18 months. About one-third of people have some restriction of movement after three years, but it does not affect their daily activity.
Ayurvedic Management
1. Guggulu & shallaki preprations are very effectives.
2. In decoctions – dashmoola kwath, rasanadi kwath & erandmooladi kwath are very effective.
Panchkarma Therapies
Abhyanga: Abhyanga is a procedure of choice for frozen shoulder it is defined as an ayurvedic procedure of application of sneha herbs medicine over body with certain amount of (very mild) pressure in specific directions . It can be applied to the whole body or locally. Many of the prevalent modern massage techniques are the modified forms of abhyanga.
Patrapinda swedana: Patra pottali sweda refers to the sudation performed by specially prepared bundle of medicinal leaves & medicated oils
Shasti, Shali, Pinda: The word 'PINDA' means bolus. Pinda sweda refers to the sudation performed by bolus of drugs. Shashtika pinda sweda is performed in ekanga or sarvanga with the bolus of boiled Shashtika shali with Balamoola kwatha and ksheera.
Kalka bandhana or upanaha bandhana:
Upanaha is a type of ekanga sweda. The word upanaha means to tie (bandaging of paste prepared from certain herbal medicine) It can be done with or without heating the medicine. If upanaha is done during day, it is removed at night and if done during night, it is removed in the morning.
1. MD Scholar
(P.G Dept . of Panchkarma NIA , Jaipur )
2 & 3. Associate Professor & Head
(P.G Dept . of Panchkarma NIA , Jaipur )