Leucorrhoea Abnormal, foul smelling, slimy, frothy, dirty white, greenish or yellowish discharge from female genitals which is accompanied by irritation and redness is known as Leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea can last for weeks or about a month and may affect the reproductive organs of women. Leucorrhoea is mainly experienced during puberty, when sexual organs are developing in a woman. Leucorrhoea can be very irritating and damaging if left untreated. The causative factors especially food mentioned can result in aggravation of Kapha Dosha. This increased Kapha, along with other factors, can impair the Rasa Dhatu (nutrient plasma) present in the vaginal tract, ultimately leading to the painless discharge of white coloured fluid from the vagina. A proper diagnosis using vaginal swab is very important to diagnose the type of infection, before starting the treatment.
Abnormal, foul smelling, slimy, frothy, dirty white, greenish or yellowish discharge from female genitals which is accompanied by irritation and redness is known as Leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea can last for weeks or about a month and may affect the reproductive organs of women.
Leucorrhoea is mainly experienced during puberty, when sexual organs are developing in a woman. Leucorrhoea can be very irritating and damaging if left untreated.
The causative factors especially food mentioned can result in aggravation of Kapha Dosha. This increased Kapha, along with other factors, can impair the Rasa Dhatu (nutrient plasma) present in the vaginal tract, ultimately leading to the painless discharge of white coloured fluid from the vagina. A proper diagnosis using vaginal swab is very important to diagnose the type of infection, before starting the treatment.
Ayurvedic treatment of Leucorrhoea consists of restoring the digestive fire of the body in order to cleanse the accumulated toxins and balance Kapha. Rejuvenating herbs are then prescribed to tone the reproductive system.
Features of leucorrhoea
• White discharge in the undergarments
• Intense irritation and /or Pain in the vulva
• Pain in back and calves
• Indigestion
• Constipation
• Headaches & irritability
• Stomach ache
• Fatigue
• Dark patches under the eyes.
Causes of leucorrhoea
• Improper or bad eating habits
• Eating spicy and fried foods and lots of carbohydrates.
• Abortion.
• Frequent child birth.
• Unhygienic living conditions
• Wounds produced by itching
• Bacterial Infection
• Anaemia and diseases like diabetes etc,
• Hormonal disturbances
18 Natural cures for leucorrhoea
1. Fig tree and Banyan tree: A douche for the vaginal tract made of the decoction of the bark of banyan and fig tree is effective in treating leucorrhoea. One tablespoon each of the powders of the bark of both the trees should be boiled in one litre of water till it reduces to half. Douching with this lukewarm decoction will keep the vaginal tract healthy.
2. Ladyfinger (Okra): Lady finger has various useful minerals which are beneficial in leucorrhoea. Take about 100 gm of lady finger and add a litre of water to it. Boil this for at least 20 minutes to make an infusion. After it cools, sweeten the drink and take it daily as frequently as possible, till the symptoms are gone.
3. Mango seeds: Dry and grind the mango seeds to make a powder. Add a little water to this powder to make a fine paste, apply this paste outside and inside the vaginal tract to treat leucorrhoea.
4. Fenugreek seeds: Add fenugreek seeds to cold water and simmer over moderate flame for 30 minutes. Strain and use this as a douche. Tea made of fenugreek seeds, by boiling it in water and drinking it, can be very useful in treating this condition.
5. Amaranth root: Amaranth root has antibacterial properties which help in treating infections. Its beneficial compounds help in healing of reproductive organs. Grind healthy amaranth root and add to water. Drink twice a day, morning and evening for better results. Amaranth leaves and its branches also can be added to boiling water for the same effect.
6. Guava leaves: Steep guava leaves in water and simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain it and use twice daily, as a douche over the vaginal area till the symptoms disappear.
7. Coriander seeds: Coriander seeds are very beneficial home cure for leucorrhoea. Soak the seeds in water overnight. Strain and drink this water the next morning on empty stomach. This can be done for at least one week for better results.
8. Walnut leaves: Walnut leaves have astringent properties which are beneficial in healing infections and treating leucorrhoea. An infusion made by steeping the leaves in water and boiling for about 20 minutes can be strained and used as a douche on genital areas . This can be done at least thrice a day for better and fast relief.
9. Rice water: Wash rice and strain it. Add honey or sugar to this water to sweeten it, before consuming it. This is a good remedy to get rid of itchiness and fatigue.
10. Cranberry juice: Extract and drink cranberry juice, at least thrice a day, till symptoms remain.
11. Betel nut: Betel nut is very effective home cure for leucorrhoea. Chew a few betel nuts after every meal. This also prevents future occurrence of leucorrhoea. Take some betel nuts, add some rose petals and crush together. Add a little sugar. Drink it or use this as a douche to apply over the genitals.
12. Sandalwood oil: Take a few drops of sandalwood oil twice a day.
13. Amalaki powder: Take some amalaki powder and add honey or sugar. Add it to a glass of water and drink. It can also be added to milk or made in to a paste and applied over the vaginal tract for better results.
14. Turmeric powder and garlic: Mix turmeric powder with garlic and eat. This is very effective in condition where the white discharge is dense and itchy.
15. Banana: Eating ripe or over ripe banana is very beneficial in treatment of leucorrhoea. Take one banana and add some clarified butter to it. Take at least twice daily for beneficial results.
16. Cumin seeds: Grind some cumin seeds and mix with honey and apply over the vaginal area. A decoction made of cumin seeds is very effective in treating leucorrhoea.
17. Asparagus: Mix and boil asparagus and ashwagandha. Drink this for effectively treating this condition.
18. Smilax china powder: Make a paste using smilax china powder and milk and apply it over the genital areas. For better results, use twice daily.
Fasting for treatment of Leucorrhoea
Fasting is an essential part of holistic treatment of Leucorrhoea. Fasting unclogs the lymph and helps in deep cleansing and total detoxification.
A leucorrhoea sufferer should begin with a dry fast (without eating/drinking) for one day. This can be followed by 2-3 days of fasting on water and fruit juices to cleanse the bowel. This can be followed by an all fruit diet for about a week before resuming on normal diet comprising of raw vegetables, grains, fresh fruits and cereals.
Ayurvedic Remedies
• Boil horse-gram in water and take the supernatant fluid daily.
• Shelled tamarind seeds, macerated in milk is very efficacious in leucorrhoea.
• Washing and cleaning of the vagina and internal parts with sphutika (alum) water will be very effective.
• Pushyanuga Churna about three grams twice daily with milk, along with 20 ml of Ashokarishta, gives good results.
• Regular douching of the genital tract with decoction of the barks of banyan and fig trees is very useful in leucorrhoea. In Ayurveda, this douche therapy is called as uttare vasti. Take one tablespoonful of the powder of each of these two barks, boil in one litre of water, and reduce to half. Filter the decoction and discard the remnants. Have an oil massage before douching. Fill the warm decoction in the douche bag and attach a clean, lubricated nozzle to it. Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Insert the nozzle into vagina and take deep breaths. Slowly squeeze the douche bag so that decoction enters vagina. Stay in the same position for 10 to 15 minutes. Please note that youmediately after panchakarma.
• Other should avoid this treatment during menstruation, pregnancy and imAyurvedic herbs recommended for leucorrhoea are Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashoka (Saraca indica), Udumbar (Ficus religiosa), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Mocha-rasa (Bombax malabarica) and Naagakesara (Mesua ferra).
Yogasana and Pranayamas:
The patient should get up early in the morning and take two glasses of lukewarm water in empty stomach. Then after five minutes patient should start asanas:-
• Sarvangasana: Patient must do it for five minutes with or without any break if possible. If the patient is overweight should not do it since this asana may create cervical problem. In such a case patient is advised to practice Jalandhar Bandha Mudra and/ or Bijyan Mudra for five minutes only.
• Matsyasana and Supta Bajrasana: These asana should be practiced for three minutes. But if patient has any knee problem, she should not try it . In such a case it is safe to do Abijyan mudra for three minutes only.
• Pavanmuktasana: 3 rounds should be done carefully to remove gas from lower abdomen
• Bhujangasana: While doing this asana the pelvic region gets copious blood supply and as a result all the female organs in the lower abdomen remain healthy. But the patient must try to differentiate Bhujangasana with Push up.
• Shalabhasana: The above asana should always be followed by Shalabhasana, if unable to do then by Ardhashalabhasana. Timing for both the asanas are 45 second X 5 times.
• Anulom Vilom : For 5 minutes only
• Bhastrika: For 3 minutes only
• Uddyan Bandha Mudra: 10 seconds for 5 times. If patient has any heart problem, she should avoid it.
• Dhouti: Agnisar Dhouti has been found very useful in the treatment of Leucorrhoea. After a continuous practice of about six months the patient will feel better and then she will have to do the progressive yoga kriyas
Spicy and fried food.
• Food made of white flour
• White sugar products
• Tea, coffee, alcohol and other condiments
• Tinned/ Canned food
• Maintain good hygiene, especially in the genital areas to prevent any bacterial infections.
• Hydrotherapy/ Hip bath/ Cold sitz bath are effective in increasing blood circulation in the vagina. Cold water bath also helps relieve congestion in the pelvic region. Take daily hydrotherapy to speed up healing.
• Exercise regime helps in treatment of leucorrhoea. Exercise improves blood circulation and builds immunity to bacterial attacks.
• Aromatherapy with anti-infective essential oils of rosemary, oregano and sandalwood is effective natural cure for leucorrhoea
• Adequate sleep and rest facilitate faster healing.
• Herbal tea such as green tea blended with sage or blackberry leaves act as antioxidants in treatment of leucorrhoea.
• Avoid sanitary napkins, deodorants, sprays and other irritants during treatment as they can aggravate leucorrhoea.