
Ayurvedic Solution for ACNE

 Acne, medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It commonly occurs during puberty when the sebaceous (oil) glands come to life - the glands are stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both males and females. Acne is not dangerous, but can leave skin scars. Human skin has pores (tiny holes) which connect to oil glands located under the skin. The glands are connected to the pores via follicles - small canals. These glands produce Sebum, an oily liquid. The sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. A small hair grows through the follicle out of the skin. Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked, resulting in an accumulation of oil under the skin. The word acne comes from the word acme meaning "the highest point", which comes from the Greek akme meaning "point" or "spot" - it was originally mispelt, with an 'n' rather than an 'm' in 1835.   

 In humans, pimples tend to appear on the face, back, chest, shoulders and neck.

Acne, a disease of modern era. In westernized societies, acne is nearly a universal skin disease affecting 79% to 95% of the adolescent population though incidence rates are considerably lower in non-westernized societies. Acne appears earlier in females than males i.e. 8-9 years and peak between 14-17 years affecting 40% of females. Clinically  among which 5% is affected at age of 40 years common above 40 years. 85% develop mild acne, 15% develop clinical acne ranging from mild to severe.
Acne may cause embarresment, frustration, anger and the sufferers tend to withdraw from school and school activities. Acne certainly impairs quality of life.
Factors responsible: A lot of factors collectively play role.
Heredity: severity may be genetically determined. Earlier onset and greater severity is noted in patients with a family history of severe acne.
Dietary factors: The consumption of heavy, greasy, fried and junk foods play a role in aggravating occurrence.
Cosmetics  & chemicals:  Exposure to industrial products like cutting oil may produce acne. Some cosmetics and skin care products are pore clogging causing acne.
Stress: Also contributes in this clinical entity.
Ayurvedic remedies for Acne: Natural herbs, fruits and home remedies are the best way to remain healthy . Fruits and vegetables are the best source of natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. These natural herbs and renedies are now commonly used for beauty and skin care products. 
Detoxification: In  ayurved there is popular concept of nitya virechan i.e. keeping the bowls soft on daily basis may be with the use of a mild laxative which is regularly detoxifying the toxins from body and is boon for management.
1. Encourage teenagers to respect themselves regardless of the body type they have if they do so, they are less likely to get involved in unhealthy activities.
2. Useful lifestyle changes should be adapted.
3. Increase your water intake upto 2 to 3 litres per day as water removes toxins from the body and helps in body cleansing.
4. Advice the use of proper nutritious and balanced food. Increase natural foods like fruit and vegetables in your diet rather than dieting.
5. Stop the junk and unnatural food.
6. Exercise regularly atleast half an hour a day to maintain proper weight.  Practice yogic asanas under the guidance of an expert.
7. Wash face twice or thrice in a day with water.
8. Use of variety of mild exfoliating scrubs and masks available are advised under the guidance of an expert.
9. Use of light skin moisturiser and water based make up.
10. Night application of spot cream on affected area.
1. Avoid to play with the acnes.
2. Say no to oil base cosmetics and make up.
3. Avoid oils, spices, heavy and greasy foods in your diet. ? Be cautious while using the medicines, Take advice from an expert physician.
4. Try to avoid squeezing and popping acne as it may leave the mark on affected area. 
5. Avoid causes of stress. 
Home remedies for Acne
1. Aloe vera: Gel has calming and restorative properties. Aloe barbadensis (kumari) contains a sticky juice that is effective in the treatment of skin disorders like acne , sunburns etc. and is widely used in various creams , lotion and shampoos.  A good natural antioxidant , astringent and has anti – inflammatory actions. Mix aloe vera gel with lime juice and apply on acne.
2. Turmeric powder: A paste of a pinch of turmeric powder  and two teaspoons of freshly extracted coriander leaf juice.  When applied on face two times a day. Turmeric a potent antioxidant, that  helps in preventing free radical-induced skin damage, blood purifier and good anti-inflammatory. When taken internally it helps in internal cleansing of body.
3. Crush few leaves of neem to form a paste and apply on affected areas. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Neem has the antibacterial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-inflamatory properties.
4. Apply fresh lemon juice on acne affected areas for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off. Lemon contains citric acid, that is effective in treating acne. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits is vital for healthy glowing skin.
5. Powder a few shade dried orange peels. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder and mix with some fresh milk to make a paste, apply on face and wash when face gets dry.