Ayurvedic Solutions of Irritable Bowels
If any person is prone to frequent bouts of cramping, abdominal pain, bloating and irregular bowel habits, he might have a functional bowel disorder affecting the large intestine known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In today’s era of hectic lifestyle, lack of physical exercises, stress and various hormonal changes cause serious adverse effects on our health, irritable bowel syndrome is one of them. It can negatively affects the quality of life leading to missed schools, college or work place. It may also lead to anxiety, depression, fatigue, headache and backache.
A Bothersome Bowel
Normally, smooth muscles in the intestine wall contract and relax to pass food from stomach to rectum. This process becomes abnormal for a person suffering with irritable bowel syndrome resulting in abdominal pain and bloating. Some patients suffer from frequent bowel movements, while others experience constipation and some complain of mucous mixed or blood mixed stools too.
Finding the cause
The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown. To be diagnosed with, one must have experienced abdominal pain at least three times a month for the past three months, along with at least two out of three of the following features:
• Change in stool consistency,
• Pain that improves with defecation.
• Changes in frequency of bowel movements.
In order to find the cause of symptoms, a review of personal and family medical history and the examination of abdomen is done.
Calming the Bowel
• Modify the diet such as finding the right amount of fibre from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
• Use peppermint oil for flatulence and bloating.
• Drink plenty of liquids. Avoid alcohol, canned juices and carbonated drinks.
• Include probiotics in diet such as buttermilk and yogurt.
• Regularly practising Yoga like Bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, Adhomukhasana and Dhanurasana.
• Panchkarma therapies like piccha basti and vaman are likely to show better results in managing irritabile bowel syndrome.
The mode of action of herbs used in irritable bowel syndrome is reducing inflammation and binding the stool. These herbs include isabgol, bilva, cumin, coriander, saunf, jatiphal, pomegranate, mochras, peppermint and ginger .
What can be done?
• Seek an evaluation for abdominal pain, especially if rectal bleeding or abrupt changes in bowel habits accompany it.
• Do stress management techniques like meditation, exercise and take plenty of sleep.
• Don’t put off bowel movements as delaying a trip to the bathroom can contribute to or worsen constipation.
• Make the bowels to move at regular and more predictable times. Get up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water, sit in toilet – all of which stimulate the colon to contract.
MD Scholar, Department of Panchkarma,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar.
Mob.: 7889017064