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Practising positive thinking can have tangible benefits in daily life, such as improved relationships and better decision-making skills.

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answered this age-old question about positive thinking. It may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself and whether you're optimistic or pessimistic and it may even affect your health.Positivity is more than seeing the glass as half-full, it’s embracing a “glass half full” mindset. It's a mental state that consistently directs one’s focus to the brighter side to expect positive outcomes. This often involves engaging in positive self-talk, even when life gets tough, to reframe negative situations. The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management and is associated with many health benefits. When one is positive, he tends to be happier and more content with life. Practising positive thinking can also have tangible benefits in daily life, such as improved relationships and better decision-making skills. Those who are optimistic have a significantly lower risk of dying from several major causes of death including heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory diseases. Other proven benefits of thinking positive include better quality of life, higher energy levels, better psychological and physical health, faster recovery from injury or illness, lower rates of depression and better stress management.
Once a teacher had two disciples of very different natures. One of them always saw good in everything and had a beautiful positive thinking nature while the other always found something negative or faulty in every situation. One day the teacher took both his disciples to a garden where they came across a mango tree. The tree had many juicy and ripe mangoes hanging from it. When the teacher saw the tree, he got the idea of testing his students. He then called the first student, who had a  positive vision, to look at the tree carefully and then speak about his thoughts about the tree. The student replied that the tree was magnanimous as it was constantly being hit by people with stones to get fruits, yet it was benevolent and gave back sweet and delicious mangoes to all those who hit the tree. The student further said that from this tree we can learn that we must share our treasure even if we are hurt.
The teacher was very pleased with this answer and he called the second student after that. This disciple had a negative state of mind and after looking at the tree, he concluded that the tree was useless. He said that by itself the tree does not do anything but only after people hit it with sticks or stones does it bestow fruits on them. He concluded that if we have to gain something from someone, violence is the only way to do that. The teacher was disheartened to hear the second student's version and praised and blessed the first student wholeheartedly. He felt that the second student always learned things the wrong way and needed to improve vision of his surroundings in order to become more  happy in life.
This story on positive thinking tells us that there are many interpretations of the same event, situation, person or thing. It is how we perceive it that makes all the difference. If we see good in everything, we will be more peaceful in life. Goodness begets happiness, hence when we look at things positively, we manifest happy things in our lives.
Positive behaviour makes problems  more manageable and help approach hardships in a more productive way. If one wants to become more optimistic and engage in more positive thinking, first identify areas of life that one usually thinks negatively about, whether it is job work, the daily commute or a relationship. When one starts with focusing on positive thinking, is not a magic and it won’t make all the problems disappear, what it will do is moving the things in constructive path. So think of a positive thought to manage the stress. This makes the person hopeful and helps  improve  overall health.
From reducing stress and boosting productivity and job satisfaction, the benefits of positive thoughts are profound and far-reaching. Luckily, learning how to stay positive is as easy as incorporating a simplicity into the daily life. This strategy works as a potent remedy to counter the stress and strain of modern living. So, start every day on a positive note. Tell yourself that it’s going to be a great day. Listen to the happy and motivational songs on playlist. Share some positivity by giving a compliment or doing something nice for someone.
Commerce & Guidance Counselor ,
School Of Eminance, Fazilka
Mob.: 8146314466