
Bhujangasana-For Healthy Spine

Bhujang means cobra. The final position of this Asana, resembles the hooded cobra that's why it is called Bhujangasana. In the pose of Bhujangasana one imitates a cobra reared up on its caudal support and the hood fully expanded so this Asana is called Bhujangasana. Bhujangasana you need to know • Portions involved: Neck, chest, abdomen, back and waist. • Breathing: Inhale while raising the torso and breathe normally in the final position or retain the breath if the pose is held for short time. Exhale while lowering the torso. • Duration: Maintain this position for 1 min. • Awareness: Physical on relaxation of the spine. Requirements: Comfortable, clean, soft cotton carpet about 1 X 2 meters size is required to perform Yogasana and Stop clock to note timings.  

When to do Bhujangasana: Stomach should be empty while practicing Asanas or should be practiced at least 3 – 4 hours after food. Where Asana is done after intake of food it leads to the impairment of digestion.
Contra-indications: People suffering from Peptic ulcer, Hernia, Intestinal tuberculosis, Hyperthyroidism, Back injury, Headache and Pregnancy should not practice this asana without expert guidance.
• Neck muscles are stretched and thyroid gland is stimulated.
• Muscles of the chest and abdomen are slowly stretched.
• All the vertebrae and concerned muscles are stretched and relaxed.
• Neurovascular functions of the spine are improved.
• Beneficial in Cervical Spondylosis.
• Abdominal fat is reduced.
• Digestion is improved.
• Flatulence and constipation are cured.
• Spine is toned up and activated.
• Backache is relieved.


10 Steps of Bhujangasana

1. Lie in prone position taking relaxation in Makarasana for two minutes.
2. Keep the legs close to each other with soles facing upwards, hands side wards.
3. Bend the hands at the elbows, keep the palms near the chest at the level of the 12th rib and chin touching the ground.
4. Raise the head during slow inhalation and the upper portion of the trunk slowly upwards till the navel, which just touches the ground. Do not give any pressure on the hands.
5. Keep the body below the navel straight, in touch with the ground.
6. Maintain this posture with normal breathing pattern for up to ones own capacity. [at least ½ min – 1 minute]
7. Then slowly bring your body on the ground, starting from upper part of the navel region, thorax, shoulder, chin, lastly place the forehead on the ground with exhaling completely.
8. Now relax your hands & place them by the either side of the thighs.
9. Take relaxation in Makarasana. This is 1 round. Practice up to 3-5 rounds.
10. Lastly go for relaxation in shavasana for 2 - 5minutes.

M.D. (Kaya Chikitsa) 121, Mohalla chowdhrian
Near Katla Ramleela Ground, Hisar-125001