Cinnamon, word originates from a latin word meaning "sweet wood," comes from the inner bark of evergreen cinnamon tree. Since long period, it has been a mainstay in kitchens all across the world, known for its warming and sweet taste. It is considered to provide numerous health advantages and help balance the body's dosha or essential energies, according to ayurveda.
Cinnamon, word originates from a latin word meaning "sweet wood," comes from the inner bark of evergreen cinnamon tree. Since long period, it has been a mainstay in kitchens all across the world, known for its warming and sweet taste. It is considered to provide numerous health advantages and help balance the body's dosha or essential energies, according to ayurveda. The fragrance of cinnamon, which can be added to a wide range of fragrances and medical items, is what makes it so popular in the aroma and essence industries.
Herbal remedies dating back thousands of years describe cinnamon as a powerful remedy for many ailments. Recognized as "Tvak" in sanskrit, it has been utilized for more than 5,000 years due to its medicinal qualities. Number of spices were employed in many traditional treatments and ceremonies in ancient times and were highly priced, sometimes even considered to be more valuable than gold and cinnamon was one among them .
1. Digestive Aid
Cinnamon is a great treatment for indigestion, bloating and flatulence because it increases the synthesis of digestive enzymes and decreases the creation of gas.
2. Blood Sugar Regulation
Research from the present era has validated ayurvedic theories about the benefits of cinnamon for blood sugar regulation. It improves insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for the control of diabetes.
3. Respiratory Health
Due to its warming qualities, cinnamon is useful in the treatment of bronchitis, cold and cough. It helps to remove mucus from the lungs by acting as an expectorant.
4. Anti-inflammatory
Rich in antioxidants, it helps combat oxidative stress and inflammation. This is particularly beneficial for conditions like sinusitis, rhinitis and other inflammatory diseases.
5. Circulatory System
Cinnamon promotes healthy blood circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps in managing high blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.
6. Oral Health
Due to its antibacterial properties, it is often used in ayurvedic dental care. It helps prevent tooth decay and gum diseases and freshens breath.
To Gain Immunity
Make a tea by boiling 1 cup water with 2 pinches cinnamon powder, 2 pinches black pepper and honey.Drink hot.
Skin Care
Combine equal parts honey and cinnamon powder, apply on to the skin and then rinse off after ten to fifteen minutes.
To Reduce Weight
Soak small cinnamon stick in 1 cup lukewarm water and then sip the water empty stomach the following morning. This aids in reducing belly fat.
Applying cinnamon oil to the temples can help relieve headache. Dilute cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and massage onto the temples for relief.
Sore Throat
Boil 2 small cinnamon sticks in1 glass of water, add a pinch of salt and gargle with this mixture to soothe a sore throat.
Better Sleep
Warm1 cup milk with a pinch of cinnamon to get restful sleep
• Add 1 cup of water to a boil in a small pot or kettle.
• Add one inch cinnamon stick or its powdered form to the boiling water.
• Reduce the heat and let the cinnamon simmer in the water for about 10-15 minutes. The longer it is simmered, the stronger the flavor.
• Add honey or jaggery to it.
• Can enhance the flavor by adding a slice of lemon or a piece of fresh ginger to the tea.
While most people can safely use cinnamon, it should still be used sparingly. Overindulgence can result in Pitta dosha imbalance, which can cause symptoms like skin irritation or heartburn. Pregnant women should consult a healthcare professional before significantly increasing their cinnamon intake.
PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar, Mob.-8894668247