
CREPE GINGER - Famous as Insulin Plant

Leaves of Crepe ginger are used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, hence commonly known as ‘Insulin Plant’.

Costus speciosus also known as Crepe ginger and Kembu is a widely cultivated ornamental plant. It is native to Southeast Asia & surrounding regions from India to China.
The plant is propagated only through rhizome cuttings. The rhizome pieces are placed at a depth of 8-10 cm and covered with soil. The crop is irrigated immediately after planting. The thick sized pieces sprout slowly after 40-45 days of planting due to the eyebuds being dormant on these rhizome pieces which take a longer time to develop. After 70-75 days, about 90-95% sprouting is obtained.
Leaves are spirally arranged and have attractive flowers. This species reproduces vegetatively by rhizome. 
Leaves are used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diabetes mellitus hence commonly known as ‘Insulin Plant’. It is also used by tribal people of Kolli hills of Namakkal district , Tamil Nadu to treat diabetes. In Mexican folk medicine, the aerial part of this plant is used as an infusion in treatment of renal disorders. 
How to consume?
The leaves of insulin plant can be consumed raw or in powder form. 
Patient has to chew down the leaf for about a month to see positive effects. Take 2 leaves per day in the morning and evening for 1 week. Then after 1 week, take 1 leaf each in morning & evening. 
One can also get the benefits of this plant by drying the leaves & powdering them. Collect the leaves of this plant, wash with water and dry them in shade. After that, grind the dried leaves. The resulting powder can be consumed daily. Ingest one tablespoon of this powder daily. 
If any person is on medication for type 2 diabetes, consult the doctor before taking insulin leaves. 
Contains various phytochemicals such as tannins, saponins, flavonoids, quinones, glycosides, terpenoids, phenol and alkaloids. 
Ayurvedic Perspective
In Ayurveda,  insulin plant is called as Kebuka. It is mentioned in various ayurvedic books such as Charaka Samhita, Bhavprakash Nighantu etc. 
Diabetes, cough, pyrexia and leprosy. 
Ayurvedic Formulations
Nisosiradi tailam, Asana eladitaila, Brihata Purna Chandra rasa. 
Part used
Powder – 3-6g and Juice – 10-20ml 
Role In Diabetes
The leaves are major part of insulin plant which produce significant anti-diabetic activity. These help in reducing fasting as well as post prandial blood glucose levels. This induces hypoglycemia by enhancing insulin sensitivity in cells, stimulating insulin production in the pancreas & demonstrating glucose absorption in the gut. The disogenin present in the leaves is utilized as an anti-diabetic medication. 
It also reduces the diabetic associated complications; brings renal, hepatic parameters to a controlled level, decreases the amount of glycosylated haemoglobin, corrects lipid profile, increases body weight as well as insulin levels. Leaf performs all the above actions as it is a rich source of anti-oxidants like tannins, xanthones, flavonoids derived from this plant. Leaf extract from this plant shows significant recovery to restore brain complications induced by hyperglycemic effect & rescue the brain tissue by restoring the number of astrocytes & glial cells. 
VPO Bhorath Qazi Chak,
Dinanagar, Distt. Gurdaspur.