

Hypothyroidism is a condition caused by under-active thyroid gland leading to decreased amount of thyroid hormones. Thyroid gland is one of the most important & sensitive endocrine gland. As it easily responds to stress, anxiety & other stimuli, the global incidence of hypothyroidism is increasing day by day. Hypothyroidism is much more common in females with prevalence 2-8 times higher than males. Hypothyroidism upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions taking place in human body. It is sometimes referred to as a “silent disease” because early symptoms may be not so specific that no one realizes anything is wrong, but over time, untreated hypothyroidism can cause a number of health problems such as obesity, arthritis, heart disease, infertility, etc. These factors lead to aggravation of kapha. The increased amount of kapha impairs the digestion. As dhatvagni depends on Jathragni bala, so impairment of dhatvagni takes place in due course of time. This dhatvagni vitiation causes improper formation of sapta dhatu starting from rasa to sukra. It leads to improper nourishment to the body leading to symptoms of hypothyroidism.  

• Weight gain.
• Tiredness & easy fatigability.
• Swelling over face, hands & feet.
• Menstrual irregularities.
• Cold intolerance & Dry rough skin.
• Thin brittle hair & Hair fall.
• Muscle stiffness, pain & cramps.
• Constipation, Loss of appetite.
• Mood disturbances, Slowness of memory, intellect & thought.
• Goiter, Hoarseness of voice.
The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed by thyroid profile especially serum TSH, free T3 and free T4.

Management: In Ayurveda, treatment comprises of shodhana chikitsa & shamana chikitsa, i.e. purificative & pacifying therapy. Vamana is proved to be effective in hypothyroidism as kapha & ama are predominant factors. As per the above mentioned pathogenesis drugs having dipana, pachana, ushna, tikshna, sukshma, kaphashamaka & anulomaka properties seems to be effective in this condition.
The followings drugs are proven to be normalizing the thyroid hormone functions:
Kanchnara : It is probably the most powerful drug in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia for treating any type of thyroid problems.
Guggulu: It is found to be having thyroid stimulating property, increases iodine uptake & decreases serum cholesterol levels.
Pippali: It increases the absorption of selenium, whose deficiency can impair thyroid function. Vardhman Pippali Rasayana shows good results in cases of hypothyroidism during many research works.
Punarnava: Since, hypothyroidism has one of the symptoms of swelling, it can be very beneficial for treating such conditions.
Shigru & Jalkumbhi: These are iodine-containing drugs hence effective as iodine deficiency is one of the main causes of hypothyroidism.
Coconut Oil: It contains medium chain triglycerides that pep up the body’s sluggish metabolism seen in hypothyroid sufferers.
Yoga & Pranayama: Along with the above-mentioned herbs, yoga & pranayama also help in maintaining healthy thyroid function & metabolism.
In these yogic exercises, an enormous pressure is placed on the gland by the yoga posture. This pressure has dramatic effects on its function, improving circulation & squeezing out stagnant secretions.
Thus, a holistic approach is required in dealing with condition of hypothyroidism i.e. diet, drugs & yogic exercises all in combination helps in normalizing the thyroid function in hypothyroidism.

New Delhi