Leech Therapy for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins is an emerging health issue in the modern day society. In recent years its incidence has increased due to sedentary life style, lack of exercise and faulty diet. It is estimated that about 20% of all adults will get varicose veins at some point in their lives. Although this problem was formerly more prevalent in older populations, young people are now equally affected. This illness typically manifests as swollen and enlarged veins usually blue or dark purple in colour that usually occur on the legs. They may also be lumpy, bulged or twisted in appearance.
The complaints usually worse during warm weather or on prolonged standing and improve on walking or raising the legs.
Why do varicose veins happen?
Varicose veins develop when the small valves inside the veins loose their efficiency. In a healthy vein, blood flows smoothly to the heart. The blood is prevented from flowing backwards by a series of tiny valves that open and close to let the blood flow. If the valves are weakened or damaged, the blood can flow backwards and collect in the vein, eventually causing it to be swollen and enlarged.
Who are at a risk of getting varicose veins?
Women are more likely to be affected by varicose veins than men. Research suggests that this may be because the female hormones tend to relax the walls of veins, making the valves more prone to leakage.
Risk of developing varicose veins is increased if there is positive family history. This suggests that varicose veins may be partly caused by the genes.
As one gets older, the veins starts to lose their elasticity and the valves inside them loosen their efficiency as well.
Being overweight
Being overweight puts extra pressure on the veins, which means they have to work harder to send the blood back to the heart. This can put increased pressure on the valves, making them more prone to leakage. The impact of body weight on the development of varicose veins appears to be more significant in women.
According to researches long standing hours at work may raise the chance of developing varicose veins.
During pregnancy, the amount of blood increases to support the developing baby which puts extra strain on the veins. Increased hormone levels during pregnancy also cause the muscular walls of the blood vessels to relax, which also increases the risk of developing varicose veins.
The primary focus while treating varicose veins is to relieve the patient's complaints such as pain, burning sensation and swelling so that they may live a symptom free life. Different types of operations are used to treat this disease in modern medicine, however the disease has a high recurrence rate because the underlying cause is not being addressed.
Contrary to this, the holistic approach of ayurveda alleviates the underlying cause of the problem. Ayurvedic procedures like leech therapy, massage and yoga provides immediate pain relief. They increases the strength of the veins and surrounding muscles which prevents the condition from relapsing.
Also named as Hirudo-therapy, it is considered as a unique and effective method of blood-letting for rapid reduction of pain associated with varicose veins. Acharaya Sushruta, the Father of Surgery has explained in detail about Leech therapy for the purpose of blood-letting. Trails on leech therapy have demonstrated promising results for patients with varicose veins. In addition to offering instant releif from the symptoms, leech therapy also provides long lasting relief.
How Leech Therapy is Beneficial?
• The saliva of medicinal leech contains more than a hundred bioactive enzymes which play a vital role in its medicinal effect. Some of the essential constituents found in leech saliva are Hirudin, Hyaluronidase.
• The process of blood-letting promotes the blood circulation in the tissues by evacuating the stagnant blood from the tissues.
• Leeches have been found to secrete saliva containing about 60 different types of proteins which help to keep the blood in liquid form and increase the blood flow in the affected area.
• They have an anesthetic agent in their saliva, which helps in relieving the pain in varicose veins
• It also secretes some components which have anti inflammatory and vasodilator effect thus reducing the swelling and inflammation at the affected site.
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing techniques. It is the practice of kneading or manipulating a person’s muscles and other soft-tissue in order to improve their well being or health. It is a form of manual therapy that includes holding, moving and applying pressure on to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. In the case of varicose veins massage is done in the direction opposite to the direction of the hairs i.e towards the heart.
Benefits of Massage
• Improves the blood circulation and enhances the lymphatic drainage.
• Relieves the associated pains.
• Improves the musculares strength.
• Reduces congestion in veins.
Yoga stretches and strengthens the body which can help alleviate swelling and pain caused by varicose veins. Practising yoga also helps in maintaining body fitness and flexibility thereby keeping pain and swelling related to the varicose veins at bay.
Yogasanas in varicose veins
• Tadasana
• Navasana
• Balasana
• Malasana
• Uttanasana
• Matsyasana
• Sarvangasana
• Pawanmukstasana
Combining leech therapy, massage and yoga is very effective way of treating varicose veins at a low cost and with minimal or no side effects.
M.D. Scholar
Dept. of Panchkarma
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar.
Mob.: 9988220444