
Maricha - The black Gold

Maricha is one of the widely used spices, also known as King of Spices having a typical pungent odour. It is cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and  mostly found in the hot and moist parts.

Maricha is one of the widely used spices, also known as King of Spices having a typical pungent odour. It is cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and  mostly found in the hot and moist parts. In India, it is grown in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and a few extents in Assam. Its botanical name is Piper nigrum. Its traditional names are Krishna, Veera means potent drug and Dharampattan means important item for export and found in ports. It is also called Black Pepper.
It is a stout climber vine that can grow to a height of 4-9 m, but with the support of other trees. Leaves are broad, shiny and alternately arranged. The small flowers are in dense slender spikes. Fruits called peppercorns are ball shaped with a mesh-wrinkled surface. Their odour is penetrating and aromatic. Flowering time is in June-July and fruiting time is  December to March. 
Fruits contain alkaloid piperine  that has vast pharmacological activities like antioxidant, antitussive, anti obesity, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic. Maricha is used as single drug as well as an essential content in various ayurvedic formulations. 
1.    Asthma and hiccups
Bharangi, shunthi and maricha mixed with alkali of barley should be taken with warm water.
2.    Diarrhoea
Intake of fine powder of pippali and maricha checks diarrhoea. 
3.    Anorexia
Take powder of maricha mixed with chitraka, sauvarchala and buttermilk.
4.     Obesity
Keep ten grains of maricha in betel leaf and consume for two months. 
5.    Cough
Powder of Maricha mixed with jaggery, ghee and honey is very effective as linctus.
6.    Colic
Take paste of maricha powder and jaggery with warm water.
7.    Eczema
Ingest powder of maricha with fresh cow ghee.
8.    Convulsions
Take sour curd mixed with maricha and vacha empty stomach.
9.    Eye irritation
Apply maricha powder mixed with ghee  as collyrium.
10.     Toothache
Use decoction of maricha for gargling. 
Part Used
•    Dried fruit
•    Powder- 0.5-1 gm 
The long practice of using maricha in Ayurvedic practise made its scope from the kitchen to drugs. Maricha is a plant of high commercial and economic importance and it is used in various formulations of Ayurveda. Various researches on maricha shows that it possesses hepatoprotective, hypocholestremic, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic and antioxidative activity. The detailed description of maricha in ayurvedic classics including various formulations shows its importance in ancient as well as in present times. 
Assistant Professor, 
PG Department of Dravyaguna,
Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar,
drmanu9495@gmail.com; Mob: 9888246484