
Yoga A Boon for Asthma

Bronchial asthma is a medical condition in which there is narrowing of lower airways resulting in difficulty in breathing and excess mucus production which adds to the problem and patient suffers from wheezing, cough chest tightness. The disease is chronic and interferes with daily working. It can affect any age or gender. As per recent survey more than 1 million cases of bronchial asthma are reported every year in India.

Bronchial asthma is a medical condition in which there is narrowing of lower airways resulting in difficulty in breathing and excess mucus production which adds to the problem and patient suffers from wheezing, cough chest tightness. The disease is chronic and interferes with daily working. It can affect any age or gender. As per recent survey more than 1 million cases of bronchial asthma are reported every year in India.

There are many provoking factors for asthma like respiratory tract infections, various allergens like dust, smoke, mites, molds, animal dander, various allopathic medicines like aspirin, many food products like egg, milk, wheat, ice and cola drinks. Apart from this, stress and occupations related to chemicals, wood dust and cotton dust also cause asthma. As the patient suffering from asthma has to take medicines on and off so, little yogic practice can add to his breathing wellness. The below mentioned yogic procedures can also be practised by normal individuals as it would add to their respiratory health. Further, all the yogic techniques bring clarity of thoughts and tone up whole body tissues.

Various studies conducted on asthmatic patients confirm the beneficial effects of yogic asanas and pranayama. Patients are not only relieved symptomatically but also relieved on the basis of various scientific parameters. Continued yogic schedule reduces mucosal inflammation and improves expiratory phase which is very short and difficult in asthmatic patients.

There are many yoga postures and pranayama which could help a patient suffering from asthma. Few of them are described here in this issue.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist)

The sitting half spinal twist opens the chest and improves the supply of oxygen to lungs, thereby reducing the probability of asthma.


1.            Sit erect with legs stretched out and feet placed together with spine absolutely erect.

2.            Bend left leg such that the heel of the left foot lies next to the right hip.

3.            Place right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee.

4.            Twist waist, neck and shoulder towards right shoulder.

5.            Now place the right hand behind you and left hand on right knee.

6.            Hold this pose for few seconds and breathe slowly and deeply.

7.            Repeat the steps on the other side.


Gomukhasana makes an asthma patient to breathe effortlessly. It opens up chest, neck and abdomen muscles which help in smooth flow of air in and out from the body. This asana is suitable for persons of all age groups.


1.            Sit in such a way that right leg crosses over left just above the knee such that they are stacked one on top of the other.

2.            Now gently fold the left arm and place it behind the back.

3.            Take the right arm over right shoulder and stretch it as much as possible until it reaches left hand.

4.            Keep the trunk erect and expand the chest and lean slightly back. Hold the pose as long as comfortable, breathe slowly and deeply.

5.            Focus on cleansing of air passages.


This pose is good for people with asthma. It massages the abdominal organs.


1.            Lie down on your back and exhale deeply.

2.            Now inhale and slowly raise the legs to a 90° angle from the floor.

3.            While exhaling, draw both knees to the chest and clasp your hands around the knees.

4.            Now hold only right knee & press right thigh to abdomen wall. Repeat the same with left knee while right leg extended along the floor. Hold this pose for 1 minute.

5.            Finally, draw both knees to your chest and then release.


Avoid practising pawanmuktasana if suffering from high blood pressure, heart problem, hernia, disc problem, neck problem and after second trimester of pregnancy.


Shashankasana improves blood circulation to the lungs and improves the stress build up on chest of asthmatic patients. This asana encourages deep inhalation and complete exhalation, helping people suffering from asthma and chronic bronchitis.


1.            Sit in vajrasana with hands on the thigh. Keep the upper body straight and relaxed.

2.            Now inhale and raise both arms above head.

3.            While exhaling keep the back straight and bend upper body and arms forward until arms and forehead touch the floor.

4.            Relax whole body especially the shoulders, neck and back.

5.            Now while inhaling, keep the back straight and raise upper body and arms and return to starting position.

Practise this 5-7 times slowly in a well co-ordinated way to reap maximum benefits.


We all know that breath is a dynamic bridge between body and mind & pranayama is one of the most important yogic practice for breathing. It can produce different physiological responses in our body. The persistent conditioning of breathing pattern of pranayama increases lung functions in healthy and diseased individuals.

Though there are various breathing techniques in yogic practice but few of them which are very helpful for the patients suffering from asthma are mentioned here.

Aum Chanting

Aum is the fundamental symbol which is used in yoga tradition. It symbolizes three stages of consciousness i.e. waking state, dream state and deep sleep respectively. Continuous practice of Aum chanting improves lung function as well as it enhances immunity and  co-ordination between mind,  breath and body.

Sit in any meditative posture and keep the back straight and feel completely relaxed. Inhale slowly, while exhaling chant AUM  in low pitch. Feel the sound resonance through out the body. Repeat for 21 times.

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramri Pranayama derives its name from the black Indian bee called bhramar. A specific sound as produced by bhramar is generated while doing bhramari pranayama. It is very effective for the patients of all ages suffering from asthma. It also soothes brain centers and has  a natural calming effect.


1.            Sit in sukhasana in quiet, well ventilated room. Keep the eyes closed and have gentle smile on face.

2.            Place the index finger on the ears and close them.

3.            Take a deep breath and while breathing out make loud humming sound like a bee.

4.            Breathe in again and continue the same pattern.

It helps a lot to the patients of asthma if done continuously for 2-3 months and 15 min twice a day.

In all, we can say that yoga helps a lot for the patient suffering from respiratory disorders specially asthma.

                A disciplined life, staying away from allergens, diet as advised in ayurveda along with some medicines, yoga can change the course of disease pattern in asthmatics. These all should be done under supervision to reap maximum benefits.


As patient suffering from asthma has to take medicines on and off so, little yogic practice can add to his breathing wellness.


Continued yogic schedule reduces mucosal inflammation and improves expiratory phase which is very short and difficult in asthmatic patients.


We all know that breath is a dynamic bridge between body and mind & pranayama is one of the most important yogic practice  for breathing.


Asthmatic patients should avoid kapalbhati or bhastrika pranayama which we call rapid breathing.