We all experience the enchanting effects of good music. The classical compositions (ragas) of music create deep impact on our mind and emotions. The melody of vocal and instrumental music soothes our mind and heart. Music can awaken or intensify specific kinds of emotional streams and mental tendencies and thus influence the habits and nature of the engrossed singers and audiences. The immense potential of the power of Shabda (cosmic flow of sound) hidden in music was well recognised by the ancient Indian sages and they had devised several musical patterns emanating from the "Omkara" for chanting of the Vedic hymns and for distinct spiritual effects. Carlyle had once said "God walks behind good music". So, how could there be any disease or suffering where God is? There will only be a constant flow of bliss all over. His feelings seem to be true if we look at the marvelous effects of sonorous, calming musical compositions on the soft cores of emotions and subtle layers of the mind and also on physiological processes, as observed by some music therapists in the modern laboratories. In this respect, the effects of music can be likened to that of yoga.
The modern world of today is said to be the world of competition and achievements. Throat cut competitions has given undue stress on our body and the mind. Today everyone's life is full of ups and downs and it seems to appear that we can not get rid of this. Due to stress, our physical and mental abilities are reducing and our body resources are going towards negative balance. But we can keep ourselves strong enough to face stressful situations and negative thoughts by regular practice of yoga.
History of Yoga spans four to eight thousand years ago when it was integral part of daily life. The word yoga derived from two roots viz. 'Yuzur' and 'Yuja'. One referring to Yoking and the other referring to Mental Concentration. According to Yoga, the human body is full of potentialities and if we are able to control and direct our energies then we can do wonders. Modern science, which is based on facts, has also acknowledged the healing power of yoga.
Yoga means union of soul, mind and physical body to attain unification with higher powers termed as God. The most important benefit of yoga is physical and mental therapy. Aging process which is largely an artificial condition, caused mainly by autointoxication or self-poisoning can be slowed down by practicing yoga. Yoga involves physical exercises and meditation to get benefits which has not been seen or possible with other forms of exercises which includes stretching etc. Yoga involves several exercises which work on joints, bones, cartilage and muscles. It also affects internal organs which includes our nervous system, hormonal system etc. Majority of yoga asana work on our back bone or spine stretching, strengthening and increasing its flexibility.
Kidneys do the work of a sieve. It purifies blood by removing urea, acid & other harmful substances. The human body has two kidneys, which are located at the posterior part of the abdomen, behind the intestines, on left & right sides of the spine, near the ribs. They are purple in colour & bean shaped. A kidney is made up of thousands of tiny tubules. These tubules are very large but their width is very less. Apart from these tubules, there are arteries, veins, nerves, nephrons, collecting ducts. All these are held together by a mass of fibrous tissue.
Today in the age of technology and computers, the humans and machines are alike . Right from waking up in the morning to the night we behave, eat, drink and think as if the whole world will be under fire without us. The stress of daily routine, tension of workplace, relations, EMI’s, children & spouse have converted their thoughts like that of a machine. Added stress in each job contributes to completion rivalry. Knowing very well that body health pays this short duration unnecessary stress. When we have a discussion about whole life this does not work. Our body & mind cripples & production of various hormones leads to the unbalanced state. The net outcome is the blend of ailment of body & mind related to Heart diseases, Blood pressure, Diabetes, Kidney diseases, Cancer, Thyroid disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Sleeplessness & early Aging.
To bear a child is undeniably the most divine fulfilment of women andYoga can be of great help to the expectant mothers during the pregnancy, at childbirth time and in post-delivery period. Yogic exercises or Asanas are specific body poses designed to improve the awareness and muscular flexibility it prepares both your body and mind for new situations and changes that occur during and after pregnancy.
Visiting God’s own land Kerala after my last trip as a member of the Press Council of India in the eighties unfolded before my eyes some old of triangles in married life, health care and commercialization and visible forces of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism amidst the great Amma phenomenon of the hugging saint whose message of love cuts across global boundaries. The emergence of a fisherwoman as a spiritual leader with a wider social and spiritual message even among foreigners could only happen in the divine setting of Kerala. Equally noticeable are glimpses of money speaks. So do the people. This makes Kerala stand out among the Indian states. Ido not wish to discuss these matters in detail since my agenda this time is not political but to explore Kerala’s natural beauty and splendour during the monsoon and its Ayurvedic and Yoga Power. I am not for golden memories of places and people. That was a professional visit, though I had the privilege of having breakfast with K Karunakaran, then Congress Chief Minister of the state.
Flat feet are structural and easily seen when you glance at the soles of your feet. If you have no visible foot arch, this may be hereditary or from wearing shoes that do not support the arches.
Bhujang means cobra. The final position of this Asana, resembles the hooded cobra that's why it is called Bhujangasana.
In the pose of Bhujangasana one imitates a cobra reared up on its caudal support and the hood fully expanded so this Asana is called Bhujangasana.
Bhujangasana you need to know
• Portions involved: Neck, chest, abdomen, back and waist.
• Breathing: Inhale while raising the torso and breathe normally in the final position or retain the breath if the pose is held for short time. Exhale while lowering the torso.
• Duration: Maintain this position for 1 min.
• Awareness: Physical on relaxation of the spine.
Requirements: Comfortable, clean, soft cotton carpet about 1 X 2 meters size is required to perform Yogasana and Stop clock to note timings.