Technically, you and I are much the same sixteen percent organic elements, including water, the proteins of RNA and DNA lipids and sugars. Then there is oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, calcium, sulphar and traces of chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, tin and zinc. The difference is in the intangibles of the personality we create for ourselves. Even after having our own personality you are easily over hebdomad by other's personality. It is then you realize that you are growing up but rootless. It is shocking. Then it becomes important to understand how we can make an impression and stand tall in the crowd.
In all of this self invention, confidence plays a part. The great thing about confidence is that it is self perpetuating. Get a little and you will soon have some more. It's a cumulative process, as people respond positively, you confidence builds, but it really counts when you are able to collect yourself and move ahead with your head held high in adverse situation.
It is said that we are all three different people; the person we think we are (the one we have invented), the person other people think we are (the impression we make) and the we think other people think we are (the one we fret about).
You could say it would be a lifetime's quest to reconcile the battling trinity into a seamless whole. A person who stands tall from the crowd is someone who is comfortable with who they are, has the confidence to be unique and to let their individuality shine. Standing out from the crowd means you are not afraid to speak your mind and to avoid following others when to do so results in sameness and conformity. It is about someone who generates admiration and is remembered by other for being someone special and worthy of looking up to.