
 5 Tips to stand tall in the crowd

5 Tips to stand tall in the crowd

Technically, you and I are much the same sixteen percent organic elements, including water, the proteins of RNA and DNA lipids and sugars. Then there is oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, calcium, sulphar and traces of chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, tin and zinc. The difference is in the intangibles of the personality we create for ourselves. Even after having our own personality you are easily over hebdomad by other's personality. It is then you realize that you are growing up but rootless. It is shocking. Then it becomes important to understand how we can make an impression and stand tall in the crowd.

In all of this self invention, confidence plays a part. The great thing about confidence is that it is self perpetuating. Get a little and you will soon have some more. It's a cumulative process, as people respond positively, you confidence builds, but it really counts when you are able to collect yourself and move ahead with your head held high in adverse situation.

It is said that we are all three different people; the person we think we are (the one we have invented), the person other people think we are (the impression we make) and the we think other people think we are (the one we fret about).

You could say it would be a lifetime's quest to reconcile the battling trinity into a seamless whole. A person who stands tall from the crowd is someone who is comfortable with who they are, has the confidence to be unique and to let their individuality shine. Standing out from the crowd means you are not afraid to speak your mind and to avoid following others when to do so results in sameness and conformity. It is about someone who generates admiration and is remembered by other for being someone special and worthy of looking up to.


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Yoga For Stress

Yoga For Stress

 Today in the age of technology and computers, the humans and machines are alike . Right from waking up in the morning to the night we behave, eat, drink and think as if the whole world will be under fire without us. The stress of daily routine, tension of workplace, relations, EMI’s, children & spouse have converted their thoughts like that of a machine. Added stress in each job contributes to completion rivalry. Knowing very well that body health pays this short duration  unnecessary stress. When we have a discussion about whole life this does not work. Our body & mind cripples & production of various hormones leads to the unbalanced state. The net outcome is the blend of ailment of body & mind related to Heart diseases, Blood pressure, Diabetes, Kidney diseases, Cancer, Thyroid disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Sleeplessness & early Aging.

Our science being very humble in need created safe and relaxing technique called yoga. There are few simple techniques in yoga by which we can combat stress & come out as a winner in the life. Each & every person, healthy or diseased can be benefited from three basic relaxing techniques. Rhythmic Breathing, Anuloma- Viloma &  Shavasana.
Rhythmic Breathing: This exercise is performed back upright, sitting either in a meditation posture or crossed legged. Close the eyes & perform complete yogic breathing, i.e. abdominal, middle & upper chest, and  clavicular.
Breathe deeply & consciously, ensuring that the breathing rhythm respects an equal time for inhalation and expiration. Instead of using numerals to count i.e. one, two, three, four, five….. regulate the  breathing with the help of words suggesting positive things as  ‘calm & peace’. Repeat them to yourself rhythmically & harmoniously during inhalation & exhalation, so that in the end you are  identified with them. Whenever we breathe in & out, we should think of peace, and concentrating on it, we attain perfect joy & inner peace.
Anuloma-Viloma: Breathing Through Alternate Nostrils
Like all the ‘Pranayama’ exercise, this breathing technique generally include a period of inhalation- ‘Puraka’, a period of retention- ‘Kumbhaka’ & a period of exhalation-  ‘Rechaka’.
 To begin with the time spent on inhalation is the half of retention & exhalation period. As four seconds of inhalation followed by eight seconds of retention & eight seconds of exhalation.

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Music Therapy  For Anxiety Disorders

Music Therapy For Anxiety Disorders

The study of the effects of music on the mind and brain has been a subject of interest for many. The interconnection between music and the physical and mental health of human beings has been researched since long. The research has concluded that music does have positive effects on the mind and brain of human beings. Music has the power of healing certain ailments. Indian classical music has been found to have the strongest healing powers. Be it about fighting anxiety, be it about speeding the healing process, music has come as an answer to all the queries.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
: It is a common chronic disorder characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any one object or situation. Those suffering from generalized anxiety experience non-specific persistent fear and worry and become overly concerned with everyday matters. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most common anxiety disorder to affect older adults.

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Laughter is a Medicine

Laughter is a Medicine

"The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease."
We were born with the gift of laughter. It lifts our spirits and makes us feel happy. Laughter is a contagious emotion. It can bring people together. It can help us feel more alive and empowered. Laughter is a natural medicine.
Humor is a universal language. Best of all, it is free and has no known side reactions. Laughter therapy, also called humor therapy, is the use of humor to promote overall health and wellness. It aims to use the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical or emotional stresses or discomfort.
The Healing Power of Laughter
Laughter can help you feel better about yourself and the world around you. Laughter can be a natural diversion. When you laugh, no other thought comes to mind. Laughing can also induce physical changes in the body. After laughing for only a few minutes, you may feel better for hours.
Immune System Enhancement: The emotions and moods we experience directly affect our immune system. These positive emotions can create neurochemical changes that will buffer the immunosuppressive effects of stress. Clinical studies have shown that humor strengthens the immune system.

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Any Time Is Yoga Time

Any Time Is Yoga Time

How to train KG students in KAPAAL BHATI (ALAK YOG)

If Yoga is taught in small age, it is very useful for the future of a child. Kapaal Bhati is the tactis of Yoga which cures maximum of the health problems concerning to stomach and other allied ones besides it, the Kapaal Bhati also increases the speed of gaining the vital oxygen in the body. This oxygen does many positive effects in the internal systems of the body.

The proper jerks to be taught to the children for Kapaal Bhati with pressure to the internal systems of stomach looks to be difficult although it is not so in every case but in the age group of 3 to 4 years it requires some patience.

In Alak Yog we start training the nursery students with alphabets of Hindi language along with the soft moments of Kapaal Bhati with pressurised sound Haa..Haa. The following sounds of vowels may be pronounced by giving more and more practice for about 5 minutes. Students/Children may be advised to be very straight while sitting on the floor with a less soft carpet. Be sure I mean to teach them to be normal to the earth in the other words the spinal cord must be straight with a direction to keep the neck softly tight and straight. The next thing is to be taught is that, Learners should keep the arms straight by holding their knees.

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 10 Healthy foods to live longer

10 Healthy foods to live longer

Who doesn’t want to live a longer and healthier life? Everybody wants to explore more of this attractive human world. Believing in god and practicing paganism can get you closer to god, but it will not help you to increase your life’s longevity. There are some superfoods which can help you live long and healthy life, because exercising alone cannot keep you healthy. So, here are some superfoods that you need to include in your routine diet, to see their positive effects.

1. Spinach is a superfood because it is a very rich source of antioxidants. This superfood is packed with plenty of iron as well as Vitamins (such as A, C & K). Spinach is also great for your eyes, as it is rich in lutein. It is a rich source of fibre, and it helps in regulating blood pressure and builds-up immunity. So, add spinach in your salad or your sandwich or go ahead and cook that irresistibly tasty palak paneer!
2. Green tea: Every Indian shares a deep connection with tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamins C and E. It is rich in flavonoids and known for its various health promoting qualities and anti-ageing properties. It is known to keep away heart diseases and cancer. A good variety of green tea is the one coming from Japan, known as Matcha green tea. It is the ideal super tea that will keep your life healthy and keeps your body energetic.
3. Coconut is a super food with boundless health benefits. A glass of coconut water after your workout session will help in replenishing your body's lost electrolytes. Coconut oil can be used in cooking nourishing food as it is significantly heat stable and will keep your heart healthy. The oil contains special chain of triglycerides which are necessary for the brain activity. Lauric acid found in coconut oil helps in building good body immunity.
To enjoy your time on this beautiful earth, you need to balance your lifestyle with a healthy diet and a regular fitness session. So, include these food to live a longer and healthier life!

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“Think Positive” Win Positively

“Think Positive” Win Positively

“Cogito ergo sum”, a Latin phrase means ‘I think, therefore I am’. Thinking is one of the most significant mental activities of a man. Man is the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes. Our thoughts attract the incidents of our lives, determining our destiny. Thus, we should always think positive, whatever our situation may be, there is a key for every lock, for every issue there pre-exists a solution, need is to focus our ability on searching for it. There is a way out of every labyrinth; there is an answer to every enigma. A dedicated and determined person finds a way amongst all the odds undaunted by the challenges throughout.


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14 Dietary Tips To Prevent Cancer

14 Dietary Tips To Prevent Cancer

It has been postulated that 80 percent of cancers may be due to environmental factors, and among them dietary factors may be of much more importance. For example, a strong positive correlation has been worked out between cancer of colon and dietary intake of fat. Similarly, a positive correlation between consumption of dietary fat and breast cancer has been noticed. However, a number of studies indicated that consumption of dietary fibre, may protect aginst intestinal carcinogens or precursors by dilutional or through other effects.
Although the available epidemiological data with regard to prevent cancer through foods, are not entirely consistent yet a few evidences generally support that use of certain foods protect against some of the cancers.

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B +ve

B +ve

Practising positive thinking can have tangible benefits in daily life, such as improved relationships and better decision-making skills.

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6 Ways of Meditation

6 Ways of Meditation

To remain physically healthy, one needs to have sound sleep, balanced diet and health promoting positive thoughts and actions.

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